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I report here again the bug which is on the GC Preset of Very Heavy Chess. We found it on this log: We had an absurd "check" which could be removed by another absurd move.
I think I know where the bug comes from in the Very Heavy Chess preset.
The "Pre-Game" block doesn't have the right squares, it has been cut-and-paste from Heavy Chess.
Instead of
setflag b2 b9 i2 i9 f2 f9; set k f9; set K f2; set ep false; set bpr 8; set wpr 3; set wcastle d2 e2 g2 h2; set bcastle d9 e9 g9 h9;
it should be:
setflag c2 c9 j2 j9 g2 g9; set k g9; set K g2; set ep false; set bpr 8; set wpr 3; set wcastle e2 f2 h2 i2; set bcastle e9 f9 h9 i9;
Could you make the correction?
Also the "Rules URL" is wrong, pointing to Heavy Chess instead of Very Heavy Chess.
Thanks you to fix it.

Sorry for the delay. I've made these corrections. Thank you for finding the errors in the code.
Thanks a lot
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