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Alfil. Jumps two diagonally. Arabic for the elephant.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Isabel Clements-Jewe wrote on Mon, Apr 29, 2002 02:46 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
I am currently spending a year in Russia, and have just bought a chess set as a birthday present for my boyfriend. I was very curious to find that there are elephants instead of bishops, and no one I have asked seems to know why. (The Russian for elephant, 'slon', is also the chess term for a bishop, so someone suggested that it might just be a joke on the part of the person who made it!) A quick search turned up your page, which has answered my question. Thank you!

Iyad wrote on Fri, Jul 26, 2002 08:04 AM UTC:Good ★★★★
the information is really good, but it is inaccurate about one thing...the
as an arab, 'alfil' must sound like 'been', and the 'al-' part could be
droped, for it stands for 'the' in english, so it's correct form is 'feil'
and in Arabic it's plural form is 'fei-ya-lah' or 'fie-lan' for two.

M. Howe wrote on Fri, Jul 26, 2002 04:09 PM UTC:Good ★★★★
Your point is well taken.  I'd like to see pieces given linguistically
valid names.  Unfortunately, it's been called an alfil for so long and by
so many that I doubt the more correct feil will take hold, even though it
deserves to.

John Lawson wrote on Fri, Jul 26, 2002 04:37 PM UTC:
There's no reason why better linguistic information could not be included, even if the piece continues to be known by what is now its conventional name.

Uri Bruck wrote on Tue, Sep 10, 2002 05:48 PM UTC:Good ★★★★
When names move from one language to another, then articles like the
definite article sometimes just stick to them. I've seen quite a few place
names in the south of Spain, for instance, that have names beginign with
'Al-', obviously the Arabic definite article.
'Alfil' is the name the piece acquired in Europe. The fact that the text
mentions it is good enough.
The Arabic 'fil' is also related to the Hebrew 'pil', which can be found
in the Mishna, dating back to the first couple of centuries C.E., and
which the Even-Shoshan Hebrew dictionary traces back to teh Akkadian
The chess piece was obviously named for the Arabic word.

Moussambani wrote on Tue, Sep 10, 2002 07:05 PM UTC:
Well, the spanish term for a bishop is 'Alfil'

Charles Gilman wrote on Sat, Mar 1, 2003 08:09 AM UTC:
Regarding the name, the similarity between Alfil and Elephant is
fortuitous. The latter derives from Elephas, a word in Classical Greek
meaning both elephant and ivory. A similar coincidence in chess history is
that of Spider (literally spinner) and Ashtapada (literally
Regarding the move itdose seem strange that so weak a piece represents so
strong an animal, and a leaping elephant seems very fanciful. A more
accurate portrayal of elephantine behaviour would be if it were blocked by
an allied piece (as in Xianqqi, the Chinese version) but captured any
enemy piece en route. This would mean that it could capture (a) on three
times as many squares as it can reach and (b) two pieces at once.

Sergio wrote on Sat, May 3, 2003 03:29 PM UTC:Good ★★★★
How many Alfils are needed to checkmate a lone king?

🕸📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Sun, May 4, 2003 01:30 AM UTC:
If the King is on a corner space of a regular Chess board, it will take four Alfils to checkmate a King. Three will cover the spaces surrounding the King, and the fourth will check the King. Since the King cannot reach it, it will not need protection. If the King helps in the checkmate of an enemy King, only two Alfils will be required for checkmate. For example, with no other pieces on the board, Black is checkmated with the Black King at a1, the White King at a3, and White Alfils at c3 and d3. The c3 Alfil checks the King, and the d3 Alfil prevents escape to b1.

John Lawson wrote on Sun, May 4, 2003 02:56 AM UTC:
It can't be just any four Alfils. They must be 'discordant', that is, not on the same cycle of squares. In historical Shatranj, such a position could never arise because the pawns could only promote to Ferz, and though mating with multiple Ferzs was a real-life challenge, there would be only two Alfils to help out at most..

Robert Shimmin wrote on Sun, May 4, 2003 01:03 PM UTC:
Two alfils + king can mate the opposing king in a helpmate situation, but they cannot force the opposing king into the corner if he does not wish to go. Three are certainly insufficient for this task. Eight are certainly sufficient. Whether it can be done with some number between four and seven (of course, with all the alfils differently colobound) is not something I wish to think about for the moment.

Charles Gilman wrote on Sat, Jul 5, 2003 06:55 AM UTC:
Not only could the four-Alfil checkmate never happen in a traditional game, nor could the King-and-two-Alfils checkmate, as an Alfil could not reach c3 or any other square threatening a corner.

Anonymous wrote on Mon, Jul 7, 2003 12:12 PM UTC:
<i>Not only could the four-Alfil checkmate never happen in a traditional game, nor could the King-and-two-Alfils checkmate, as an Alfil could not reach c3 or any other square threatening a corner.</i> <p> This makes an assumption about the starting squares of the alfils which is unwarranted. As far as I can tell, the question was not asked with respect to shatranj or any other particular game.

Charles Gilman wrote on Wed, Jul 9, 2003 06:42 AM UTC:
True, but I was adding to John Lawson's comment. In many of the games that have used this piece the achievement of the combination of pieces would win regardless of position because of Bare King.

Anonymous wrote on Sat, Jun 5, 2004 05:05 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★

Charles Gilman wrote on Thu, Sep 23, 2004 07:35 AM UTC:
The anonymous Excellent in the previous comment reminded me why I haven't given this page a rating of Excellent myself. It still carries the errorneous etymological speculation on which I commented earlier. The word elephant derives from the Classical Greek elephas, dating to at least a millennium before early Chess began spreading west. There is plenty of documentation of that.

Nuno wrote on Thu, Oct 16, 2008 11:19 PM UTC:
But I'm confused.. What is the name for Elephant in Arabic? since the
piece represented just that! 'Al' is the article ok.. ist it Fil? Or did
the name just made sense in Persian (Pil?)and the Arabs did the same thing
Spanish did in keeping the name without any mining? (well.. in reality
Alfil IS the Spanish word for Bishop, so it has a mining).
Any native Arabic please want's to comment?

Curious.. if my country (Portugal) and Spain have a lot in common on it's
evolution, why do We call also Bishop to the bishop? :P

H. G. Muller wrote on Tue, Feb 6, 2024 01:38 PM UTC:

We don't seem to have a Piececlopedia page for the Modern Elephant (Betza FA); this 'Elephant' page is solely about the Alfil. While nowadays the FA is in much wider use than the A, so much that 'Elephant' has become more or less synonymous for Modern Elephant, and when you mean 'Alfil' you better say 'Alfil' if you want to avoid confusion.

What should we do? Create a new page for Modern Elephant, and link to that from the Elephant page? Or add a paragraph about the Modern Elephant here?

Bob Greenwade wrote on Tue, Feb 6, 2024 02:59 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 01:38 PM:

I'd vote for a separate Modern Elephant page. I suspect there's a bit of history behind it, as well as various alternate names.

Ben Reiniger wrote on Tue, Feb 6, 2024 03:06 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 01:38 PM:

I would create a new page for the modern elephant.

I'd be fine with dropping the Elephant Link entry from this page, if others agree that applying the term elephant to the alfil is outdated (we can always keep a note in the text here and in the new FA page to help direct folks).

Kevin Pacey wrote on Tue, Feb 6, 2024 06:40 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 01:38 PM:

The Modern Elephant (FA), a type of fairy piece that I have a soft spot for, may have first appeared in a CV in the case of historic CV Courier-Spiel, but I don't know of any documentation that states that:

Jean-Louis Cazaux wrote on Tue, Feb 6, 2024 07:09 PM UTC in reply to Kevin Pacey from 06:40 PM:

I have also concluded the same thing in my research for my most recent book. The modern Elephant's move was first proposed by Albers in his Courier-Spiel in 1821. As far as I am concerned I had used that Elephant, under that name, in Shako and Tamerlane II (first version) since 1990. In my mind, I wanted to include the moves of the ancestors of the Queen and Bishop into that piece. Then I gave the Elephant the move of the Ferz and the Alfil.

Bn Em wrote on Thu, Feb 8, 2024 02:13 AM UTC in reply to Jean-Louis Cazaux from Tue Feb 6 07:09 PM:

Since you've done the research, would you care to do the honours of writing up a page?

If not I'll probably pick it up eventually (unless someone else beats me to it), but since I don't own a copy of your book I'd probably miss something.

HaruN Y wrote on Mon, Aug 12, 2024 04:51 PM UTC:

Today is elephant day.

Where's the Modern Elephant page?

Bn Em wrote on Wed, Aug 14, 2024 11:40 AM UTC in reply to HaruN Y from Mon Aug 12 04:51 PM:

Noöne has made one.

It wasn't really established as a piece with much history back in the Piececlopedia's heyday, and of the occasional additions made since it's apparently been less of a priority. If noöne gets to it by the time I've got round to doing Panda (slip‐rook) and Stag (4,2, a.k.a. lancer/charolais) pages, it'll be next on my list, but that may be a little while

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