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Very Heavy Chess. A lot of firepower with all compounds of classical chess pieces.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝Jean-Louis Cazaux wrote on Wed, May 4, 2022 07:55 PM UTC:

Indeed, I wanted to change Templar for High Priestess. Then, I made a small search and found what Kevin is saying. This High Priestess is even referred on several places, so I can't ignore it. It plays as FAN. I thought about Reverend Mother, but it's too long. This how I came to Popess. The word exists.

Freemason is too heavily loaded. Several people are freemason and I'm not sure it won't be insulting for them, as they defined themselves as atheist too. That issue is complex, I prefer not going into it.

The 3 objections from Fergus are strange. Are Amazon, Gryphon, Manticore, Hyppogriff, Sylph, existing more than Popess? Are Bede, Bishopper, Barc, Ferfil, Vao, Ubi-Ubi more real? Is it possible to have 2 Sissa on the same game? Momess or something like this, would be an invention, not easily understandable.

Maybe I don't see the problem with Popess, the more I think, the more I like it.

Decimaka (revised). Game where pieces promote on making a capture. (10x10) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝H. G. Muller wrote on Wed, May 4, 2022 08:38 PM UTC:

This article is ready to be published.

New Grand Apothecary Chess Error.[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
H. G. Muller wrote on Wed, May 4, 2022 09:06 PM UTC:

Whether a piece can promote or not depends on its ranking in the piece list and the value of maxPromote. If you want a Pawn that cannot e.p. capture you just leave out the e mode. E.g. fmWfcF instead of fmWfceF.

Very Heavy Chess. A lot of firepower with all compounds of classical chess pieces.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
H. G. Muller wrote on Wed, May 4, 2022 09:18 PM UTC in reply to Jean-Louis Cazaux from 07:55 PM:

Just some suggestions: 'Pithia' is a kind of high priestess. 'Abbess' is a female abbot: head of a community of Nuns.

Greg Strong wrote on Wed, May 4, 2022 09:49 PM UTC in reply to Fergus Duniho from 07:10 PM:

Another suggestion I would make is Baroness. It has the B for Bishop, the N for Knight, and while it lacks a K, it is a royal title, and it has an R for roi, the French name for the King.

For what its worth, I like this idea a lot

frogsandprincess[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
wdtr2 wrote on Thu, May 5, 2022 12:57 AM UTC:

I think this is ready to be published.

what is play test applet[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
wdtr2 wrote on Thu, May 5, 2022 01:01 AM UTC:

Based on some comments in the past. I think there is a playtest applet, that can make something (code?) to show/generate legal moves. Does that exist? If yes, I have a blank board that I would like to add code so that it will show legal moves, and would like the playtest applet to make the legal moves/code.

H. G. Muller wrote on Thu, May 5, 2022 05:39 AM UTC in reply to wdtr2 from 01:01 AM:

You will find it in the alphabetical index under P. It can generate GAME code for rule enforcement / highlighting in Game Courier presets. But it has no provisions for uncommon rules like Frog kissing, or mixture of chess and shogi promotions. So it would be necessary to supplement it with code of your own.

frogsandprincess[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
H. G. Muller wrote on Thu, May 5, 2022 05:47 AM UTC in reply to wdtr2 from 12:57 AM:

Are you sure the diagram of the initial position is correct? There seem to be some Frogs missing, in an asymmetric way.

The Bishop might be weaker than the Elephant, and the Rook weaker than the Roo. I am pretty sure they would be weaker on 8x8.

The rules for game termination seem a bit illogical, and therefore needlessly complex. Easier would be to declare a loss when you do not have a Princess at the start of your turn, or a King at the end of your turn. (Combined with the usual checking rule that you are not allowed to do a move that causes an immediate loss.) I see no reason for making an exception for when the Princess is in check. For one, it is very unlikely that the King capture checks the Princess, so it won't affect the game much. And if you cannot solve the Princess check by converting a Frog when it should happen, you would just have lost.

Very Heavy Chess. A lot of firepower with all compounds of classical chess pieces.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝Jean-Louis Cazaux wrote on Thu, May 5, 2022 06:06 AM UTC in reply to Greg Strong from Wed May 4 09:49 PM:

I had thought of Abbess but it doesn't sound high enough, and there is an Abbott (F4N) which is less than a Cardinal, so it would be strange to have the Abbess as Cardinal+King.

I like Baroness for the phonetics. But it lacks the religion field, and baron/baroness is a low noble rank.

Pythia is exactly the kind of word I was looking for!!!!

If Popess hurts people too much, why not Pythia. According to WP, Pythoness is also used. What is the best for English-speaking players?

As we are there, what do you think of Heroine for RKN (RFN actually). I wanted a feminine, warrior-like name. Isn't too vague? At a moment I was thinking of Valkyrie.

Do you have an opinion?

Greg Strong wrote on Thu, May 5, 2022 08:12 AM UTC in reply to Jean-Louis Cazaux from 06:06 AM:

Pythia is good. Pythoness sounds like a female python (a type of snake). I realize that's not what is meant but I think most English speakers will know of python but not this word so they will think of a snake.

Valkyrie is a good name. Heroine is not a bad name but unfortunately is also the name of a dangerous drug and that usage is probably more common.

🕸Fergus Duniho wrote on Thu, May 5, 2022 12:28 PM UTC in reply to Greg Strong from 08:12 AM:

The drug is heroin. Heroine is the feminine form of hero, but its usage has become less common.Supergirl used to be called a superheroine, and now she and other superheroines get called superheroes. My main issue with the name heroine is that it is kind of generic.

I don't know what a Pythia or a Pythoness is, but the latter brings to mind a lamia rather than something religious.

🕸Fergus Duniho wrote on Thu, May 5, 2022 01:04 PM UTC in reply to Jean-Louis Cazaux from 06:06 AM:

In general, hierarchical Christian religions of the sort that have bishops do not have very high ranking positions for women. So, if you want a piece that is a high-ranked female religious figure that fits with bishop, you're not going to find one. Alternatives include using a neologism like Cardinaless or abandoning one of your requirements for naming the piece. Mixing religious titles from very different religions doesn't work well, because Christianity, from which we get bishops, doesn't easily mix with other religions. Diagonal moving pieces do not always have religious names. For example, the Queen moves diagonally but doesn't have a religious name.

Kevin Pacey wrote on Thu, May 5, 2022 04:12 PM UTC:

For what it's worth, 'Hero' is already a known Fairy Piece on this website (Joe Joyce might have invented).

Joe Joyce wrote on Thu, May 5, 2022 05:23 PM UTC:

While I'm pretty inactive these days, I do play the occasional game, and when I check for moves, I check what's new. First, thank you Kevin for pointing out names I've already used for pieces.

For your tentative 'high priestess', I think "grande prêtresse" is possibly a good choice.

Similarly, for 'hero' I think "héros" with both the accent and ending "s" is a decent choice.

The accents in the names mark them as non-English, and the spellings maintain the separation of your and my pieces without really changing the names you wished. I admit that I am naming deficient and no one except me may actually like the alternates, so feel free to ignore or delete this post.

Chess 66. Board based on the 8x8 arrangement - with the difference that 66 fields are now available. (8x8, Cells: 66) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝Gerd Degens wrote on Thu, May 5, 2022 06:26 PM UTC in reply to Fergus Duniho from Wed Apr 27 04:21 AM:

If I may intrude into the discussion of how pieces are named and refer again to my variant 'Chess 66'. We have discussed Chess 66 and clarified inconsistencies. For my part, I have taken up the suggestions in my description by adding explanations and clarifying examples. The functionality of the switches as I imagine it is not compatible with Fergus 'Reroute 66' (occupied switsches can be skipped, switching between fields of switches is possible). This should be discussed. Therefore I would have the request to publish my variant 'Chess 66'. Are there any reasons against it?

Very Heavy Chess. A lot of firepower with all compounds of classical chess pieces.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝Jean-Louis Cazaux wrote on Thu, May 5, 2022 06:41 PM UTC in reply to Joe Joyce from 05:23 PM:

Thank you for all your feedbacks.

To Greg, python and heroine carry the same meaning in French and other languages as well. In French is even worse for Heroin, as héroine is the word for both the female hero and the drug.

To Joe, even if I'm French, I'm reluctant to use French words. It is not a solution, it is not good if two different pieces are named with the same word but in two different languages. Although there are (famous) existing cases (Ferz, Alfil, Cavalier, Chevalier, ...)

HG's Pythia is very good. Not all religions are Christian in the span of mankind history and geography. The Pythia was an important person in Greek religion in the Antiquity.

Yes, Heroine is kind of generic and yes, not very common in usage. I'm not very happy with it.

All that demonstrates that we have progresses to make for the gender issue :=)

Glinski's Hexagonal Chess. Chess on a board made out of hexagons. (Recognized!)[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Daniel Zacharias wrote on Thu, May 5, 2022 08:17 PM UTC:

The preset under Official Glinski Coordinates, Medium Size Pieces is not rendering properly. You can see the problem in this game

Very Heavy Chess. A lot of firepower with all compounds of classical chess pieces.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Kevin Pacey wrote on Fri, May 6, 2022 02:31 AM UTC:

Hi Jean-Louis.

For what it's worth, 'heroine' is often used over here in movie reviews, to describe a character that's the leading lady (and/or helper of some sort to the male 'hero'). I mentioned Joe's 'Hero' piece type since he chose the name for it in spite of any misgivings that it might possibly be a bit generic.

Sometimes it's easy to be over- (or under-) critical of one's own ideas, especially on second thought. I think 'heroine' is just fine for RNF type.

Glinski's Hexagonal Chess. Chess on a board made out of hexagons. (Recognized!)[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
🕸📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Fri, May 6, 2022 03:29 AM UTC in reply to Daniel Zacharias from Thu May 5 08:17 PM:

This is probably related to some changes I made to the formfields_customization.php script for something unrelated to hexagonal chess. I got it to use the vhex shape again, but when I do, the pieces are misaligned with the CSS board, and the board appears misshapen when it is automatically drawn as an image. So, something else is going wrong. Since it's late, I'll look into this further tomorrow.

Who is Who on Eight by Eight. A compilation of Zillions-estimated piece values on an 8x8 board.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Jean-Louis Cazaux wrote on Fri, May 6, 2022 05:53 AM UTC:

Yes Zillions overestimates hoppers and ranks the Cannon slightly below the Rook, and the Vao slightly below the Bishop, and the Leo slightly below the Queen, which is really excessive for the 3 of them.

Manticore. Moves one space orthogonally, then slides outward as a Bishop.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Jean-Louis Cazaux wrote on Fri, May 6, 2022 05:55 AM UTC:

I just found that Ivan Derzhanski was calling this piece a Dragon in his study made in 2001.

Who is Who on Eight by Eight. A compilation of Zillions-estimated piece values on an 8x8 board.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
H. G. Muller wrote on Fri, May 6, 2022 08:40 AM UTC in reply to Jean-Louis Cazaux from 05:53 AM:

Consensus values for pieces in Xiangqi are R=10, C=6-4 (opening-endgame), H=4-6, A=E=2, P=1-3 (unpassed/passed). So C and H only approximately half a Rook, and it depends on the game phase which of the two is somewhat stronger. And one should realize here that the Horse (Mao) is only worth half an orthodox Knight on a board as crowded as orthodox chess. (Which is quite a bit more crowded than Xiangqi, so that extrapolating the Xiangqi values to that higher density might give H=3 and C=7. That would then imply N=6, which indeed gives the correct relative value of R and N. So this suggests C could be worth slightly more than a Knight in a FIDE context.)

In games without drops the opening value of pieces is dominated by what they will be worth in the end-game. E.g. it is still much better to have a Rook in the opening than a Bishop or Knight, even though a Rook on a crowded board trapped behind his own Pawns is hardly of any use at all. But it is almost unavoidable that it will get to express its true power later in the game, so that hanging on to it is a good strategy. But for Cannons the end-game value is low, and rather than waiting for their potential to develop with time, one should try to trade them in the most-favorable way before that time.

To do a meaningful empirical test of the Cannon value you would need to do it with an engine that handles it well. Otherwise the value will be underestimated. ("A piece is as strong as the hand that wields it.") And handling hoppers well means you have to be very much aware when it becomes time to exchange them for other minors. If you do that too early you would not have exploited any superiority while it still existed; if you do it too late you will be stuck with them when they get nearly useless. To make the program seek trading at the right moment it is essential that it makes the hopper value dependent on the piece density, in the correct way. Which would have too be determined empirically too.

Bombalot. Bombs can wipe out most pieces on the board.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Paul Ruane wrote on Fri, May 6, 2022 10:13 AM UTC:

For anyone who's interested, I wrote up a rulebook PDF for Bombalot.

The rules are based upon the Sir Bombalot ruleset, that I have fond memories playing back around 2000, but I mention the differences breakout boxes throughout.


@ Fergus Duniho[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Calixtus Wee wrote on Fri, May 6, 2022 03:06 PM UTC in reply to Fergus Duniho from Fri Sep 24 2021 06:46 PM:

Hi, I made my own Chess variant, that I call Cathayan Chess. Is there anything we can do about it?

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