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If you used a custom board image with a custom grid shape and logical directions, it might be doable.
BTW that’s the reason why there’s a big empty board image. It’s for this aim.
Can this be published? Or what’s missing?
BTW that’s the reason why there’s a big empty board image. It’s for this aim.
Since Game Courier will not be drawing the board, it's best to put rank and file markers on it manually.
Can this be published? Or what’s missing?
At this point, you should look back at my previous comments and heed the ones you have ignored. When I request something, and you or someone else argues against what I requested, it doesn't mean that I have changed my mind.
I’ve made a board with coordinates on each space.
What’s now? (I’m not masochist and won’t redo the rest of images).
I’ve made a board with coordinates on each space.
I suppose it doesn't hurt to have that, but it's not what I asked you for. I asked for a board with rank and file markers for use with Game Courier. Rank and file markers go along the edges of the board, not on each space. Here are some examples of what I meant from the /play/pbm/backgrounds/ directory:
It's worth leaving this image in, because the files are laid out in an unintuitive way:
Because your files are not vertical lines, it would be helpful to include two sets of file markers on the image you want used with Game Courier, one at each end of the file. Since the files lean right, the end file markers would work best on the right side. So, you could put the rank markers on the left side instead. As long as you're doing this, it would also be helpful to make the rank and file markers less blurry. It currently looks like you're going for a 3D effect with light-colored text over a shadow, but solid black would be more legible.
Done and refactored some text.
Okay, I have published this page, and I have copied your two images for Game Courier to the /play/pbm/backgrounds directory as rocket-upright.png and rocket-rotated.png. You or whoever is interested in programming this game can make use of one of these with the Custom Grid shape or possibly the Custom shape.
Can you change author and inventor to me?
Okay, I did that. Would you unfavorite it as Rechefiltr is Fire and favorite it only as Lev Grigoriev?
BTW how to delete GC presets?
BTW how to delete GC presets?
In general, you don't, and you just deprecate them instead. But if you want to delete a preset, I can do that after making sure it is not being used in any game logs.
Thanks a lot for publishing this game!
But if you want to delete a preset, I can do that after making sure it is not being used in any game logs.
Delete these ones please:
Okay, I deleted those.
This is maybe an edgy request, but…
Can you please add this to themed variants?
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Interesting – is that possible to make Game Courier preset for my invention?