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I agree,I prefer an enterely new list of games in the new Tournamant 2, but if the procedure is democratic, as it must be, there are not a priori reasons for exclusions. In fact, excluding in an executive way some oriental variants, like Shogi, should be not a good idea if we want a good participation, if we see the number of Shogi LOGS. I like the idea of the possibility of change an assigned game by mutual accordance between the players to any other in the final list if it is not going to be played by any of both players in any other game in the Tournament
I'll get on organizing a second tournament in a while. But first, I want to update the Item Name fields of preset pages to match the names used for games by Game Courier. As I did last time, I will do an approval poll first, followed by a ranked poll. I suggest that we automatically place the ten most popular games from the approval poll into the ranked poll, no matter whether we played any in the last tournament, and then fill the remaining spots only with games that were not played in the previous tournament. We could cap it at about 20, including any games that tie for 20th place and were not played in the previous tournament. This method, or one like it, would allow the tournament to retain some of the most popular games without ruling them out for being played last time, and it would help make the list of games for this tournament different from the list used for the last tournament. And if there are any particular games you do not want in two tournaments in a row, you could avoid voting for them.

<p>Sounds good to me!</p>
<p>It would be nice to get GC presets for Wildebeest Chess and Omega Chess available for consideration of inclusion. I have a Wildebeest Chess preset located here:</p>
<p><a href='http://play.chessvariants.org/pbm/play.php?game%3DWildebeest+Chess%26settings%3DWildebeest'>http://play.chessvariants.org/pbm/play.php?game%3DWildebeest+Chess%26settings%3DWildebeest</a></p>
<p>It does not enforce the rules, though, and has a Giraffe icon for a Wildebeest. Of course, I think of that piece as the GNU, and for all I know a GNU looks much like a Giraffe :) Seriously, though, in the next couple of days I'll try to make a Wildebeest piece that appears to match the other Alfaerie pieces, and submit a new piece set for this game.</p>
<p>As for Omega Chess, Ironlance has a preset for it that looks nice, but I don't have the link.</p>
I have sent an email asking for permission to make an Omega Chess preset. Assuming I get it, I will make a preset than enforces the rules and uses the official coordinate system.
The First Game Courier Tournament has finished.
Thanks to Fergus for organizing this very enjoyable and well run tournament. I would encourage all to participate in future tournaments. No need to worry about unfamiliar games -- that's the fun of it! This isn't FIDE Chess!
An excellent tournament--well run and well played. Congratulation to Antoine for his near perfecto: 10.5/11 is very impressive in any tournament. Congratulations to Roberto for a very solid second with a score that might well have won had Antoine been less dominating. I loved playing this tournament in spite of finishing last (of those who completed the tournament) and in spite of gaining only 1 point over the board. I did at least chalk up a fairly impressive win at my own Pocket Mutation Chess. I hope that the preparation for Mutivariant 2005 will be underway soon--definetly count me in.
Thanks to Fergus for all, this was a very nice Tournamant, although perhaps it could be shorter in time, we can think on how we can make the rules for the next Tournament in a way it lasts less time, say 4-6 months as much. Thanks to Michael for his comment, but in reallity I don´t think I could win, Antoine is very strong and he dominates many variants much more than me, and, to be sincere, I have not expected being in second position, in my opinion Fergus have had the merits for the second place, unfortunatelly he commited a fatal blunder in Eurasian against me, if not, he could win that game, his position was better than mine before that move, and in other game, he was not clear on the rules in Anti-King Chess II, and it was the main cause for being defeated, without deduct merits to Carlos Carlos, he played well. Perhaps me, as a few other players, have had a little more time to think on the moves many times, and it could help too. But I have enjoyed this Tournament a lot, and the results does not matter a lot to me, I have had a lot of fun with almost all of the games I have played, and specially in three extremely exciting games: Grand Chess, against Mc. Elmurry (I won after a complex battle, but all could happen), AKII, against Fourriere (he won in a complex game full of sacrifices by both bands, in which two different strategies were confronted), and Maxima, against Gifford (draw, in an exciting and very well played game by both bands, and I have to say that this was the first Maxima game that Gary has played, and he did the things as a strong veteran, incredible good game, perhaps the best Maxima game I have played). What about the rules for the next Tournament?. What games are we going to consider in the first poll?. How can we do to attract many new players?. Think on it...
thanks to fergus for a brilliant tournament. congratulations to antoine, roberto and fergus. . i too had a great time. i certainly enjoyed some games more than others and hope to play them many more times - in particular i enjoyed familiarising myself (to varying degrees) with ultima, pocket mutation, grand chess, eurasian chess and takeover chess. games i have to say i didn't enjoy were cavalier and hexagonal chess, although perhaps both might seem better if i played them a few more times. the only unfortunate thing was that a number of my games were decided one way or the other by whopping blunders. i guess that is bound to happen with games we are fairly unfamiliar with.
Thanks to Fergus for a well thought-out Tournament, and for having devised Game Courier. Thanks to Michael and Carlos for their congratulations. Actually, although I won three of them, my games of Pocket Mutation Chess (my first choice) against Carlos, of Anti-King Chess (my second choice) against Roberto, of Alice Chess (my third or fourth choice) against Fergus and particularly of Chessgi against Michael Madsen were all far from easy, and could each have ended into a defeat. As for blunders, I doubt there will be many of them in next year's Tournament, at least from the players who participated this year.
Congratulations to Antoine and Roberto, nicely done!
The link on this page to the GCT1 game logs appears to have an incorrect tournament filter, and produces an empty list of logs.
Here is a working link.
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