May we have more precise information about History:
1) 'Chess arrived in Burma in the 8th century via the kingdoms of Arakan
and Mon which had the closest links with the motherland of chess,
Is there any elements, sources, to prove that fact ?
2) 'In the 9th century specific rules - different from Chaturanga[1]-
were established and, as Pali texts confirm, Burmese chess became quite
fashionable as a court game during the Pagan period (1044-1287)'
What are those texts ? Any title, name of author, estimated writing date
3) 'In the 17th century, a Dutch traveler reported about a unique variety
of chess widely played in Burma.'
Who was this man? Which year that happened?
If all this information is not available, what was the source used to
write these very interesting lines about Sittuyin History ?
Thanks very much by advance.