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All the King's Men. Page describing variant chess pieces.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
George Duke wrote on Tue, Jul 1, 2008 04:39 PM UTC:
Bifurcating Eagle moves same-Grasshopper-like but turns immediately 90 degrees in the two alternatives: ''two'' makes it precisely the bifurcator that it is. Eagle then cannot move from the opening situated anywhere in back rank behind Pawns. At the d1 on 8x8 in place of Queen, Eagle must stay put at least until an adjacent Pawn has moved. If first 1) d2-d4 ... , then 2) Eagle d1-c4 or d1-e4 at choice become possible. // Next, Asp makes the full Grasshopper hop, then continues as Queen after 45 degree turn. So, if Asp begins Bishop-like, the continuation is Rook-like, and vice versa. It is not clear whether Asp can capture two pieces per turn, presumably not, and if an enemy sits at the ''Grasshopper-hop square,'' immediately beyond the piece (either colour) overleaped, the move is simply illegal. // Sure enough, bifurcating Sparrow makes the G-Hop and turns either (precisely two) way 135 degrees. At standard d1, that would entail d1-c2-c1, and such-like; and since you cannot capture your own Bishop, let alone King at also-reachable e1, Sparrow, like Eagle, has not the opening options of Moose, Asp (and Knight) and must also wait for developments.