Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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David Paulowich wrote on Sat, Nov 1, 2008 02:13 PM UTC:

Regarding some recent comments: 'Super Chess' (two words) is part of a proprietary name used on the web page Cardinal Super Chess, which states: 'Because of the Cardinals' unique movement, a combination of a knight and a bishop, it gathers the initiative into one sweeping action.' This naturally leads to the mistaken conclusion that it is the usual B+N piece. But the second web page given for this commercial variant shows the move to be a non-leaping Camel. I once tested the piece on the applet provided and saw the program move a Bishop to block my Cardinal check.

This nonleaping Camel strikes me as almost as bad an idea as the original Shatranj Elephant. Faced with these four Elephants, which together can attack only 32 squares on the board, players had a strong incentive to invent something better. Five years ago I started my NextShatranj project, resulting in several variants being posted here. I actually prefer playing Shatranj variants on this site to the CapaChess and Grand Chess variants - but that is a topic that deserves its own thread.