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The Game of Nemoroth. For the sake of your sanity, do not read this variant! (8x8, Cells: 64) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
John Lawson wrote on Tue, Apr 16, 2002 02:29 PM UTC:
Wait, there's more.


A Leaf Pile is subject to the effects of a Basilisk, and a petrified Leaf
Pile cannot engulf anything. 

A petrified Leaf Pile can still engulf things that are pushed onto it, and
it can still engulf things it is pushed onto. 


Second statement is true, and more fun.


A Go Away pushing a petrified Leaf Pile around can vacuum up all sorts of


Any mobile piece except a Zombie within two squares of a Ghast must flee
the Ghast, and no mobile piece except a Zombie may move of its own accord
to a Ghast Square; the squares within the Ghast's range are called Ghast

Clarification requested:

If several pieces are under compulsion to flee a Ghast, but the Ghast moves
off before the compulsions can all be satisfied, the compulsions no longer
exist if the compelled pieces are no longer on Ghast squares.

Additional statements:

When you are under compulsion, you may make any move which removes the
compulsion, but if you cannot satisfy the compulsion of at least one piece,
you lose. 

The Human moves one square sideways, or one square straight forward, or one
square diagonally forward, but only to an empty non-ichorous square. 

Hypothetical situation:

Alabaster Human on f5, Obsidian Ghast moves to f6, creating compulsion for
human to flee.  Assume there is no other Alabaster piece under compulsion
this move, and no saving move is possible.  The Human can only move to e5,
e6, g5, or g6.  These squares are still adjacent to the Obsidian Ghast.  Is
this a win for Obsidian due to stalemate by compulsion?