George Duke wrote on Mon, Sep 13, 2004 05:59 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
First used Cetina's Sissa is the 'Knight', actually moving to Nightrider
and Rook squares, but not like they do. In Second Board above, 'Sissa',
or 'Knight', on c3 may capture Rook on c5 by Four-Fold pathways:
c3-d3-e3-d4-c5, or c3-d4-c5-d5-c5, or c3-b3-a3-b4-c5, or c3-b4-a5
b5-c5. No pieces intervene, but if they did, any one pathway would be
sufficient to move and capture c5 from c3. Sissa's 'N-Rider' squares are
reachable by two-fold pathways. No Bishops' conversion rule like in Sissa