John Lawson wrote on Wed, Jun 26, 2002 04:47 AM EDT:
Let me see if I understand 'Lunch' correctly:
If a critter loses its lunch, that lunch disappears from the game; it is
not lying around to be picked up by some other critter.
If a critter drops its lunch, that lunch disappears from the game; it is
not lying around to be picked up by some other critter.
If a critter steals another critter's lunch, the stealing critter must, of
course, already have a lunch. The result is that the stealee has no lunch
and the stealer has lunch, not two lunches.
Since lunches are not 'conserved' as objects, then they may be considered
more as states, say 'lunchvoll' and 'lunchlos'.
Did I get it?