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Also, it links to Chego which takes the notion of drops to the outer limits.
Maybe could be done this way. Dont know if it would work Player can select any piece to put on the board, but as some example the amount of kings that can exist on the board can be only (2 times the amount of rooks on the board) minus 1
These are probably just a bunch of silly ideas. However, some of these variants might give somewhat nice strategic games. I hope I did not offend go players with my unusual description of their game.
This was a good attempt at mixing Chess with Go. However, in my humble opinion, in order to make this game work we need to keep the number of "liberties" to four, not eight, otherwise the game might become unecessarily messy and impossible to finish.
A second rule should be to only keep pieces that move orthogonally only. This means that only Rooks and restricted Kings (Kings that only move orthogonally) are allowed to join the game.
Alternativelly, we can also invent some pieces that move in zig-zag.
Knights can also be included with the restriction that they can only move along empty squares.
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