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Oops, I think I lost the image for that. I'll update.
Nice! One thing I notice is that the script asks if you want to promote -- it's mandatory and not a choice.

Nice! One thing I notice is that the script asks if you want to promote -- it's mandatory and not a choice.
Good point. I used the regular Shogi-style promotion supported by the Diagram, which always offers the choice. It is possible to implement mandatory promotion by supplying an additional JavaScript routine WeirdPromotion() on the page, which is a bit of a hassle. Perhaps I should support an alternative method for declaring promotion mandatory, e.g. through the already existing promoChoice parameter to the Diagram. With Shogi-style promotions this is currently not used. It would be logical to let the setting + mean mandatory promotion, and += that there is a choice. Unfortunately this is not backward compatible with Diagrams of games with Shogi-style promotion I (and others) made in the past, which often specify promoChoice as just +, or not at all. I will give it some thought how best to make this a standard feature of the Diagram.
[Edit] OK. I fixed it by using a newly added feature of the Diagram (so only active after refresh of the browser cache): if the promoChoice string contains !L in some variant with Shogi-style promotion (i.e. promoOffset non-zero), the piece with ID L will not be allowed to defer, and will promote automatically on reaching the zone. This was inspired on the same notation being used with Chess-style promotions for indicated that the choice is not allowed on last rank. (Which is commonly used to force promotion of a Pawn there when promotion on other ranks is optional.)

This is an interesting game and I like the custom graphics. Is it possible to get the graphics in their original form? I'd like to make this available in the next version of ChessV and would like the graphics to look as good as possible.

Is it possible to get the graphics in their original form?
Actually, please disregard. I found the original SVGs in the PyChess source code.

If you have a link I could upload them to the image server at .

Please, where can I find these pieces?
Sorry for the delay; the piece images are in the github repository for PyChess:

Thanks. I rendered them at 50x50, and put an Interactive Diagram using those inside the article. This is a bit smaller than the original diagram (which was more like 64x64).
H.G., I think by virgin you mean unmoved. The latter word is preferable, because its meaning is precise and literal, whereas the former could be used only metaphorically, and it comes with the baggage of sexual and human sacrifice connotations.

Well, the inventor of the 10x8 chessvariant that could not be mentioned here even objected to the use of 'fairy' for the same reason, and insisted that Fairy-Max would participate in his championship under another name. :-)
I have no problem with using 'unmoved', but do you have a short alternative for 'virginity' used further down in the legend?
I have no problem with using 'unmoved', but do you have a short alternative for 'virginity' used further down in the legend?
Here is your text:
Click on piece to toggle virginity on/off
English does not have a single word noun for what you mean. I would suggest "moved status" or "unmoved status" if you want a noun, or you could rewrite it to say "Click on piece to toggle whether it has moved."

OK, fixed. (Flush browser cache to use new version!)
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Great looking, nice thema. What I have not understood reading the rules, is how the pieces start? What is the initial setup?