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This is updated with some of my latest icon additions, so unless I've missed something, all that's left is to figure out how to make promoted pieces demote upon being captured (if that's even necessary). Then I can move the Diagram into the main article, and it'll be ready to go.

This looks good, aside from the lack of a Diagram in the Setup section. However, I must ask about this line in the promotion rule.
Promotion is mandatory upon reaching the furtherst row.
Does this apply to all pieces, or just the Pawns? If the former, it seems a bit random to me. Also, does this apply if the move starts on the back row?
For lack of any other comments, I've gone ahead and moved the Interactive Diagram into the main part of the article; this is, tentatively at least, ready to be published.

This is updated with some of my latest icon additions, so unless I've missed something, all that's left is to figure out how to make promoted pieces demote upon being captured (if that's even necessary). Then I can move the Diagram into the main article, and it'll be ready to go.
Setting holdingsType=-1 in the Diagram definition takes care of these types of demotions automatically.
Also, you say promotion is mandatory upon reaching the last row. Does this promotion rule apply to all pieces or only to Pawns? If the former, does it also apply upon leaving the last row after a drop?
Setting holdingsType=-1 in the Diagram definition takes care of these types of demotions automatically.
Ah, good. Nothing to worry about, then.
Also, you say promotion is mandatory upon reaching the last row. Does this promotion rule apply to all pieces or only to Pawns? If the former, does it also apply upon leaving the last row after a drop?
I should clarify that in the text. It only applies to Pawns, because an unpromoted Pawn on the last row is trapped.

Your using the wrong file for the diagram. For the morph trick to work, you need to use the betzaNew.js file.
You can also put in this code between the betzaNew call and the diagram definition to achieve the same effect without needing to change the Tokin's ID (also requires betzaNew.js):
function pieceTinker(m, d)
piece = m[-6] & 511;
if((piece == 1) && d == 0) { m[-1] = (m[-6] & 1024 | piece + promoOffset); return 2; }
I have it now as you said (and I feel a bit silly for not switching to the betzaNew), but I'm not seeing a difference. Maybe I have a couple of lines in the wrong order or something.

I am not sure what is suppoed to not work here. Morphing should work both with betza.js and betzaNew.js; it is just the way you can interface witth custom scripting that is different. Any other difference would be unintended. Things have not been tested much with shogi promotions, so there could be bugs.

It works, but the script only affects legal moves (the ones with highlights on the destination). I think you tried to move a Pawn from its starting position directly to the last rank, which isn't legal in an actual game, and so would not be affected by the script.

Here's the reference pieces for the Mnemonic images.
All I'm trying to get to happen is for the pieceList to show the promotions along with the base forms. For example, where it currently says
it would be more like
It's not a big deal, but it'd be nice, and I think it'd be helpful for the reader.
Thanks, A.M.! :)
To make sure I'm doing this right, I experimentally made the Mnemonic icons for the Blue Gecko and Purple Finch -- the most challenging on the board for this.
If those look correct, then I can sit down in the coming week and make the full set.

They're pretty close. However, if you want to stay true to the images I made, I should point out two things.
Firstly, you have three lines, indicating limited-range-5. Only the two outer-most of these lines are used for limited-range-4 in my reference piece for limited range.
Whenever a bulge transitions to a non-adjacent step, the border goes from straight to the rounded "hole" that indicates no move in that direction. Take these images, for example:
Also, the piece list generated by the Interactive Diagram does not show the promotions. You have to enter those manually, like so (pieceType is the position of the piece in the list, starting at 1):
<li onclick="ShowMoves(pieceType)">Insert HTML Here</li>
I keep forgetting that BG&PF are four spaces, not five. I don't know why I keep giving them five.
Rounded holes for non-adjacent: Got it.
As for the promotions, unless H.G. reprograms the pieceList function, it seems that I have a choice of doing without or writing out the list manually as you show. I'll stick with the former for now, but probably will end up with the latter.
Thanks for the feedback! :)

It would certainly be good to have promoted types in the pieceList satellite element. But I am not sure that -> would be understood as promotion. Wrting out the text 'promotes to' would consume too much space, though. (And lack of space could be a show stopper anyway.) I suppose I could expand the (bluish) header message of the list for Diagrams that define a promoOffset to indicate that the promoted type follows.
It will have to wait until I have access to my PC again, rather than just a tablet.
It will have to wait until I have access to my PC again, rather than just a tablet.
Roger that!*
*Translation: I hear and understand completely.
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