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Querquisite Chess. Features the whimsical, irregular Querquisites,. (8x10, Cells: 72) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝Abdul-Rahman Sibahi wrote on Fri, Jun 29, 2007 08:57 PM UTC:
I tried to calculate rough estimates for the values of the pieces, using the Safe Check principle. This is, simply put, if you place a piece and a King randomly on the board, the probability of that piece giving a 'safe check' to the King. For pieces like the Knight this like the movement estimation.

[[ The following calculations assume that the Querquisite on the e-file moves like a King, but the one on the D-file moves like a Queen. Any changes in the definitions of files (as in Fischer Random) might change the value of the Querquisite. ]]

I came out with these percentages :

  R= 15.7 %
  B= 8.7  %
  N= 7.9  %
  U= 10.8 %

And the Queen is simply the sum of its components. So are the Chancellor (Rook+Knight) and Archbishop (Bishop+Knight.) The Querquisite's compounds are a waste of time to calculate, since they're not practical.

Giving the Knight the absolute value of 3 Pawns, these are the values:

  N= 3   Pawns
  B= 3.3 Pawns
  R= 6   Pawns (However, as in normal Chess, I think they should be
                adjusted to 5 Pawns.)
  Q= 9.4 Pawns
  U= 4   Pawns

Out of curiosity, I computed the two Capablanca pieces on this board:

  A= 6.3 Pawns
  C= 9.4 Pawns

This seems about right. It's worth mentioning that the values would certainly change on a 10x8 board with these two Half-Ranks added.

The Querquisite, generally, is most mobile on the Rooks and Queen's files. Place it there.

Charles Gilman wrote on Wed, Aug 22, 2007 06:18 AM UTC:
The values of Rook+Bishop, Rook+Knight, Bishop+Knight are not simply the sum of their components. The Bishop (on a rectilinear board) can make its move from squares of only one colour, and the Queen, for example, can make that move from either colour.

George Duke wrote on Tue, Nov 4, 2008 10:52 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Escribed about old-fashioned 8x8 are the Templar Chess squares to fit the one unorthodox piece, the Querquisite. We know the files of R, N, B, Q, and K, and whatever file the Querquisite is in, is how they move. Not left to domain of problemists now, like for example most hoppers remain (see Jeliss), Querquisite gets first CV use in artwork here by Sibahi. Querquisite in h-file is Rook, g-file Knight, and so on. Invented in 1947 by Creed, later cousins are Abbott's Chameleon(1962) and Havel's Jester(1999), as Abdul-Rahman's follow-up paragraphs explain under variations. I pictured Sibahi finding old magazines in libraries, as I had to do in 1992 with British Chess Magazines for old T.R. Dawson material. However, it turns out there is link he shows here on Internet to FCR June 1947 through Variant Chess article 1998 by Emmerson.

Anonymous wrote on Thu, Nov 6, 2008 10:01 PM UTC:
The Odysseus or Querquisite is also known as Zelig in the piecoclopedia and
in Zelig Chess on this server.


HaruN Y wrote on Sat, Oct 12, 2024 01:35 AM UTC:
files=8 ranks=10 promoZone=2 promoChoice=O graphicsDir=/graphics.dir/alfaeriePNG/ squareSize=50 graphicsType=png royal=K iron=9 borders=0 firstRank=1 lightShade=#d684a8 darkShade=#851472 coordColor=#f9d7e6 rimColor=#4a1e69 pawn:↑:ifmnDfmWfceF:pawn:a3,b3,c3,d3,e3,f3,g3,h3 pawn:↓:ifmnDfmWfceF:pawn:,,a8,b8,c8,d8,e8,f8,g8,h8 morph=/О knight:N:N:knight:b2,g2,,b9,g9 bishop:B:B:bishop:c2,f2,,c9,f9 rook:R:R:rook:a2,h2,,a9,h9 queen:Q:Q:queen:d2,,d9 Querquisite:O:soabyaWsmpafoabmpafampafsWsmpafmpafoabmpafmpafyavsWrmpafmpafmpafoabmpafmpafmpafa(b)Klmpafmpafmpafoabmpafmpafmpafya(b)K:/graphics.dir/alfaerie4/%circle.gif:c1,f1 Queen perquisite:О:soabyaWsmpafoabmpafampafsWsmpafmpafoabmpafmpafyavsWlmpafmpafmpafoabmpafmpafmpafa(b)Krmpafmpafmpafoabmpafmpafmpafya(b)K:/graphics.dir/alfaerie4/%circle.gif:,,c10,f10 Iron lump:I:-:/membergraphics/MSdealerschess/%pyramid.png:a10,b10,g10,h10,,a1,b1,g1,h1 king:K:KisO2:king:e2,,e9

Is JKn=Jörg Knappen?

Jörg Knappen wrote on Fri, Nov 22, 2024 11:36 PM UTC in reply to HaruN Y from Sat Oct 12 01:35 AM:

Another late reply: Yes, before having an account here I signed by comments with "--JKn". Afaik, no one else did.

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