Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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SquireKnight. Squire Knight combines Knight and Forward/Backward Pawn like moves. (8x8, Cells: 64) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
JT K wrote on Tue, Feb 28, 2017 08:54 PM UTC:Average ★★★

On a standard 8x8 board, the knight and bishop are already very close in material value, so I'm not sure that this new rule would be welcomed by many players.  Perhaps the uncertainty of its value would make the game interesting to some.  Somewhere on the level of a rook or close to it?

I will add, however, that a "squire knight" would probably work very well on some of the large board variants to give knights more power and purpose.

Malcolm Webb wrote on Wed, Mar 1, 2017 12:56 AM UTC:Average ★★★

There is a fairy piece called the "Dragon", combining the movements of  the Knight and the Pawn. However the Pawn movements are in a forward direction only. If it has not moved yet, the Dragon gets a two-step forward movement possibility (with an associated vulnerability to an en passant capture).

Jörg Knappen wrote on Wed, Mar 1, 2017 03:56 PM UTC:Good ★★★★

Another close (but not exact) match is the Eohippos (German Urpferdchen) from 10 directional chess (see ). It moves and captures the same way, not in a pawnish style.

The Knight-Fers compound (NF) is also often seen under many different names, my favourite name is Dullahan (a male counterpart to a Banshee, featured under this name in the "Fearful Fairies" – other names include "prince" (problemist usage) or "Priest" (Scirocco, )).

The Squire Knight is a definitely a Rook-class piece with 4 new capturing moves and 2 new non-capturing moves. Experience shows that additional capturing moves are worth more than additional non-capturing moves. The Squire Knight has 12 targets to aim at ... quite impressive.

I am pretty sure that Squire Knight makes an enjoyable and easy-to-learn chess variant.


💡📝Stephane Burkhart wrote on Mon, Mar 6, 2017 08:40 PM UTC:

Thank you all for comments and precisions on existing similar fairy pieces.

I had this it play against itself on ZOG and the mighty knights have a tendency to suppress each other quite soon in the game  !

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