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I've actually seen Quick Chess on touch-screen game machines at bars; you can either play the computer or a second player.
I just have some game questions. Just started playing this wonderful game with my son and am learning myself so I have some questions. We have proceeded as far as the rook game but can't go any further without some answers so would appreciate some clarification. what is the purpose of the pawn? Can pawns capture other players other than pawns? When playing regular traditional game, can the king be captured and can the king capture other players? Which players can capture him and which players can he capture, if so? Can a rook capture a rook? The board shows them opposite of each other. Thank you and look forward to your response.
http://www.chessvariants.org/d.chess/chess.html is the page with the rules of chess, with links to both longer and shorter versions of the rules.
The touchscreen you're thinking of is from the 'MegaTouch Force' series, and it's similar to this but they call it 'Quik Chess' and the back row is KQBNR (both kings in the same file, etc). There is a clock, and points are assigned for victory, time remaining on clock, and material captured.
This is a great page! Thanks for taking the time to create it. I have two step sons who are always bugging me for a 'Quick' game and now we can have one!
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