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SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND (`AuthorID` = 'UweWiedermann' OR `AuthorID2` = 'UweWiedermann') ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
. Game with abstract pieces. Reach opponents first row on 6 by 6 board.
Almost Chess
. One queen has combined rook and knight moves.
Amazone Chess
. Queen may also move as a knight.
Anywhere Chess
. Pieces (except kings) can make teleport moves to any empty square on the board.
Brett Rules
. Different mobility of queens, rooks, and bishops and a different winning condition.
Byelorussian Cheskers
. Crossover between chess and Russian draughts.
Castle Chess
. White must prevent black from castling.
. Only kings and pawns. Pawns can move backwards.
. Cross-variant between chess and checkers.
Chess 2000
. Chess on 8 by 8 board with knight/rook and knight/bishop pieces.
Coherent Chess
. Variant on 9 by 9 board with special knights.
Coregal Chess
. Both kings and queens are royal.
Crowded Angle 10x10 Chess
. Variant where pieces are set up in a L-shape on a 10x10 board.
. Chess on a 4 by 8 board.
Desertion Chess
. When you move next to opposing pieces, they desert to your side; win by converting or capturing all opposing pieces.
Diana Chess
. Chess on a 6 by 6 board.
Dunsany's chess
. 32 pawns play against a full set of pieces.
Dutch Chess
. Different objective and piece movements with orthodox chess set.
Elena Chess
. Chess on 5 by 6 board.
Extended Half-Chess
. Variant on 4 by 10 board.
Football Chess
. A Football/Soccer game played with Chess pieces.
Fussball Chess
. Win by moving a piece to the starting square of the king of the opponent.
. Variant in which Knights capture as Bishops and Bishops capture as Knights.
Hourglass Chess
. 38-Square board in shape of Hourglass.
Kamikaze Chess
. Capturing pieces also are removed.
. Win by taking all the pawns of the opponent.
The Knights Tour
. Try to solve the knights tour problem with Zillions of Games.
. 14 knights against 14 knights on a 7 by 7 board.
Ladder Chess
. Chess variant on a `skewed' board with 40 squares.
. Lone king, moving as queen+knight, versus an army.
Monster Chess
. One player has only a king and four pawns, but makes double moves.
Pawn-Only Chess
. Training chess variant. Only pawns, first promotion wins.
Reduced Endgame Chess
. Two kings and six pawns are used for practicing endgames.
Robber Chess
. Sliding pieces can make multiple captures, and the goal is to capture all opposing pieces.
Rooksquare Chess
. Win by moving piece to corner at opponent's side.
. Variant between Checkers and Chess.
. Morris game played on a Chessboard with Chess pieces.
. Queens start trapped behind enemy lines.
. Variant on 9 by 9 board with Sissa's, which move like a Bishop than a Rook, or like a Rook, then a Bishop.
Solitaire chess puzzles
. Several chess puzzles to try with Zillions of Games.
. Chessboard Morris game played with Knights.
Stationary King Chess
. Kings can't move.
. A game where Kings can move like Grasshoppers in addition to their normal move.
Symmetric Sissa
. Variant on 9 by 9 board with symmetric setup and two Sissa's (generalized Knight-like sliders).
. Each player has one piece off the board, that can be switched every turn with one of his pieces but not the king.
. Chessboard Morris game played with Rooks.
Tutti Frutti Chess
. With bishop-knight, knight-rook, queen-knight and the usual pieces on an 8 by 8 board.
Unirexal Chess
. Only white has a king.
. Black has 7 knights, and 16 pawns, White the usual array.
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