Query Results for
SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND `Language` = 'English' AND (`InventorID` = 'HGMuller' OR `InventorID2` = 'HGMuller') ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
Betza notation (extended). The powerful XBetza extension to Betza's funny notation.
Cashew Shogi. Many pieces must promote on capture, and some can multi-capture. (13x13, Cells: 169)
Charge of the Light Brigade. Seven knights fight 3 queens, and usually win! (8x8, Cells: 64)
Checkmating Applet. Practice your checkmating skill with fairy pieces.
Checkmating Applet (3 vs 1). Practice your checkmating skill with fairy pieces.
Decimaka. Game where pieces promote on making a capture.
Decimaka (revised). Game where pieces promote on making a capture. (10x10)
Diagram Editor with scalable graphics. An easy-to-use tool for drawing boards and pieces of any size and color.
Elven Chess. 10x10 variant with 4 new pieces, of which one can double-capture. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Elven Chess. Play this 10x10 variant with a double-capturing piece on Jocly.
Elven Chess. Chu Shogi Lion, Dragon Horse, Dragon King, Guard on Grand Chess type setup.
Fairy-Max. Free open source chess variant software.
Fairy-Max. A chess engine configurable for playing a wide variety of chess variants.
FairyGen. Generator for end-game tables with fairy pieces.
GAME code generation. A tutorial on using the Play-Test Applet for automating Game Courier presets.
Ghost King Chess. The king can roam the board as an almost unkillable ghost. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Interactive diagrams.
Diagrams that interactively show piece moves.
Macadamia Shogi. Pieces promote on capture to multi-capturing monsters. (13x13, Cells: 169)
Makromachy. Huge variant with 2x56 pieces, some jumping over many others. (14x14, Cells: 196)
Megalomachy. A huge game with 2x80 pieces, some able to jump over many others. (16x16, Cells: 256)
Mighty Lion Chess. Orthodox Western Chess but with one knight replaced by Chu Shogi Lion.
Mighty-Lion Chess. Normal Chess augmented with a hard-to-trade Lion super-piece that can make double-captures. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Minjiku Shogi. Wild shogi variant, with pieces that burn neighbors or jump many pieces. (10x10, Cells: 104)
Nutty Shogi. Smaller version of Tenjiku Shogi on a 13x13 board.
Nutty Shogi. Pieces jump over many others, and a Fire Demon burns neighbors. (13x13, Cells: 169)
Onslaught. Several pieces can capture only on the enemy half, favoring attack. (12x12, Cells: 144)
Pink Chess. White has two Kings, black two Queens as royal pieces.
Play-test applet for chess variants. Applet you can play your own variant against.
Shock Chess. Players are paralyzed from the shock of losing their queen. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Spiral Chess. The royal pieces slide along a spiral trajectory.
Spot the Intruder Mini-game. A mini-game by H. G. Muller. Spot the intruder as quickly as possible! (12x12, Cells: 144)
Team-Mate Chess. Variant with 8 different pieces, none of which is able to checkmate a bare king on its own. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Team-Mate Chess. Play this variant in which it takes a team to checkmate the King on Jocly.
Variants playable against the diagram's AI.
Index of variants that can be played against the interactive diagram.
Veteran Chess. Most pieces can or must irreversibly promote when they capture.
Werewolf Chess. Play this variant in which contagious Werewolves replace Queens on Jocly.
Werewolf Chess. An nearly invincible, but bribable Werewolf replaces the Queen. (8x8, Cells: 64)
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