Inventors Starting with L
- Matthew La Vallee [info]
Alfaerie Expansion Set 6. Missing description
Rennaissance Chess II. Missing description
- C. K. Lai [info]
Xiangqi problem. A complicated Xiangqi problem.
- H. R. Lambert [info]
Emperor Chess. Large chess variant with a Commander (Queen + Knight), two Queens, and two Emperors (Bishop + Lame Dabbabah-rider) per side. (12x12, Cells: 144)
- Hubert Lamontagne [info]
The Bridge41. 41 square board with bridge in the middle. (5x9, Cells: 41)
. 41 square board with bridge in the middle.
- Jordan Lampe [info]
Froghouse. Like Bughouse except each team has a Black, White, and Green. Green goes "in between", namely after white but before black. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- Alexander Lange [info]
Quivira Font. Unicode, TrueType font containing historical chess piece characters.
- Fred Lange [info]
Megachess. Played on 6 boards arranged in a 2 by 3 grid. (24x16, Cells: 384)
- Kerry Langford [info]
CHESSAGON. CHESSAGON® is like traditional Chess, but with Triangles, with one new additional piece named the Duke.
- Claude Lapointe [info]
Chess 99. Game with 9 pawns and a paladin. The objective is to capture the opponent's king. Many rules altered.
- Ted Larson Freeman [info]
Two Move Chess. Designed to alleviate the first move advantage for White using double moves, while retaining the tactics of international chess.
- Stephen Larson [info]
Keyles. Large variant with special king capture rule. Variant of Quex. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Quex. Large variant on 10 by 10 board with 11 different pieces. (10x10, Cells: 100)
- Eugen Laukamp [info]
Chessoids: SuperPawn and NeutronChess. A large and complicated chess variant. (11x10, Cells: 111)
- Ralph Lauterbach [info]
Super Chess II. Proprietary game from the 1970's.
- Roberto Lavieri [info]
Achernar. ACHERNAR is a mix of the game ALTAIR and Western Chess. (9x9, Cells: 81)
Alpha Centauri. A very complex game, somewhat exotic, with some elements from Rococo. (9x9, Cells: 81)
Altair. Altair is a modern game with an oriental flavor. (9x9, Cells: 81) , more...
- Max Lawrence [info]
Transcendental Chess. Play from random setup with a different setup for white and black. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Transcendental Chess. Play Chess with a randomized setup on Game Courier.
- B. G. Laws [info]
Kamikaze I. Capturing units are removed, except kings.
Kamikaze II. Capturing units are removed, kings may not capture.
Kamikaze Chess. Capturing pieces also are removed., more...
- John Lawson [info]
The Pizza Kings. An experimental army for Chess with Different Armies, with lots of calories.
CDA: Pizza Kings. Experimental CDA army, submitted half in jest, with pieces whose movement imitates their shape.
Nemoroth Notation. A notation and diagram scheme to be used when playing The Game of Nemoroth by mail or e-mail., more...
- Mike Layfield [info]
Hexes Chess. Link: Hexagonal Chess in 54 hexes, using orthodox pieces. Includes enhanced Pawn movement and castling. The board is elongated.&.
Hexes Compressed Chess. Link: This version of Hexagonal Chess has rotated cells so that the angles point up and down.
Hexes Chess. Hexes Chess requires fewer chess pieces and a smaller board than conventional chess, but increases the mobility of each piece., more...
- Bruce Leban [info]
d10 Chess. Roll a ten sided die (d10) every turn to determine which pieces may be moved. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- Albert Lee [info]
Amazonia. 11x11 board with Pawns that promote to Princesses in the middle of the board.
Ascension. 6x6 board with two Kings that promote to royal Queens.
Bishops Chess. Chess with two light-squared and two dark-squared Bishops on each side., more...
- Daniel Lee [info]
Chak. A modern vision of what a Mayan chess would look like.
Chennis. Kyoto-Shogi-inspired variant (with alternating piece sides), with a tennis theme.
Empire Chess. Asymmetric variant where one army has pieces that move like queens but capture differently., more...
- Flynn Leek [info]
Messenger Chess. A quick, dynamic variant. It adds one new piece, the Courier, which is necessary to win. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- Mark Leff [info]
Chipps. Let all pieces gain a chip by moving to the other side of 4 by 8 board. (4x8, Cells: 32)
Upchess. Pieces moves depend on which rank piece is on on 11 by 11 board. (11x11, Cells: 121)
- Mark Lefler [info]
Zillions of Games. It can play an endless variety of abstract board games, and we have a large collection of Chess variants you can play on it.
- L. Legan [info]
Aviation Chess. Knight pawns move and capture as bishops and can leap any number of units.
Legan's Chess. Normal set and board, different setup and pawn moves.
Legan's Chess
. Normal set and board, different setup and pawn moves., more...
- Hugo Legler [info]
Legler's Chess. Modest 1926 variant using an Archbishop and a Chancellor. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Legler's Chess
. Modest 1926 variant using an Archbishop and a Chancellor.
- Dave Leigh [info]
Jedi Chess. Maharajah and the Sepoys modified with a Star Wars theme. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- Jon Leistiko [info]
Turncoat Chess. After every move, dice are rolled to determine a square, which if occupied, the piece on changes side.
- Zheng Lei [info]
Wuji Chinese Chess. Invented by Zheng Lei(鄭磊,河南光山縣人) in 1993.
- Jeremy Lennert [info]
For the Crown. A commercial crossover with deck-building games. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- Paul Leno [info]
Gridlock. Large, wargame inspired variant. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Gridlock Chapter 2. Missing description
Gridlock Chapter 3. Missing description, more...
- Erik Lerouge [info]
Wildebeest Decimal Chess. A Wildebeest Chess adaptation to the decimal board.
- Andrew LeRoy [info]
Checkismate. Put the King in check to win. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- Robert LeRoy [info]
Vortex Chess. Ortho-chess with the inclusion of a new piece: the Portal.
Vortex Chess. Similar to Warp Point Chess only with "portals" that are more dynamic and split between the two players...
- Matthieu Leschemelle [info]
Chess Cases: True type chess font
. True type chess font used in Problemiste.
- John Leslie [info]
Hostage Chess. Pieces taken are held hostage and can be exchanged against other pieces and then dropped. (8x8, Cells: 64) (Recognized!)
Hostage Chess. Pieces taken are held hostage and can be exchanged against other pieces and then dropped.
Tactical Hints for Hostage Chess. Missing description, more...
- Dominique Leste [info]
Arch-Chancellor Chess. Uses Archbishops instead of Bishops and Chancellors instead of Knights. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Archbishop Chess. Variation of Janus Chess and Bird's Chess with two Archbishops. (10x8, Cells: 80)
General and Arch-General Chess. Variations of Birds' Chess. (10x8, Cells: 80) , more...
- Sidney LeVasseur [info]
King's Court. Variant on 8 by 12 board with Chancellors and Jesters. (12x8, Cells: 96)
King's Court. Commercial chess variant on 12 by 8 board based on the historical Courier chess.
Royal Court. On 8 by 10 board with crowned knights: can move like king or knight. (10x8, Cells: 80) , more...
- Silvio Levy [info]
4 x 4 x 8 Tridimensional Chess. Clever 3-D variant, closer to Raumschach, but according to Gilman, solves some of Raumschach's design flaws.
- Andy Lewicki [info]
Chelma. A cross between Chess and Halma. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Cheversi. A mix of chess pieces and reversi-like strategy. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Cheversi Solitaire. Solitaire version of Cheversi. (8x8, Cells: 64) , more...
- C. G. Lewin [info]
Knights Chess. Queen, Rook and Bishop may also jump as a knight.
- John Kipling Lewis [info]
Backwards Stalemate Chess. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64)
Castling in Chess 960. New castling rules for Fischer Random Chess. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess 4.5. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64) , more...
- tilera Ley [info]
Quark Chess. Missing description
- Peter E. Leyva [info]
Chess Is Wild. Pieces acquire special moves in the inner 16 squares. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Field Chess. On an 8x12 board with 8 extra pieces per side (Archers). (8x12, Cells: 96)
Highlander Chess. Instead of taking, pieces can be challenged with dice; winning piece absorbs powers. (8x8, Cells: 64) , more...
- Fabrice Liardet [info]
Ambiguous Chess. A modest variant, similar to Refusal Chess. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- A. G. Lias [info]
Lias's Proposal. Pawns may move, but not capture, one square sideways.
- How-Hie Ling [info]
Chessling. Variant where the board starts empty and each player can move or drop a piece, and the goal is capture of all opposing pieces.
Schaakling (Chessling). Begin met leeg bord, en zet elke beurt een nieuw stuk op het bord of doe een gewone zet. (Dutch Language)
. Variant where the board starts empty and each player can move or drop a piece, and the goal is capture of all opposing pieces.
- Mark Liptak [info]
Alliance Chess. Two boards, four players, team wins by checkmating the primary player.
- Javier Ignacio Lizarzaburu [info]
XYMYX. Link to site where you can play this game!
XYMYX. Players make their moves at the same time. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- Austin Lockwood [info]
Stanley Random Chess. Missing description
- Daniel Elliott Loeb [info]
Four Handed Chess. An all fight all variant of four handed chess on plus-shaped board.
- Andrew Looney [info]
Martian Chess. Two or four player strategic game with chess elements played with Looney piramids. (4x8, Cells: 32)
Monochrome Chess. All pieces are the same color. Players move pieces on their side of the board.
Monochrome Chess. All units are of the same color. Win by accumulating captures.
- Gerhard Loos [info]
UOS (Universal Origin Spiel). Variant on a board with 113 diamond-shaped spaces. (Cells: 113)
- Juraj Lörinc [info]
Black Holes. On 5 by 8 board with holes as pieces which also can be used for transport. (5x8, Cells: 40)
Black Holes - sample game 1. Sample game 1.
Black Holes - sample game 2. Sample game 2., more...
- Panos Louridas [info]
Bario. Pieces are undefined until they move. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Bario. Pieces are undefined until they move.
Bario. Pieces are undefined until they move.
- John Love-Jensen [info]
SuperKing. Kings can move like queens, but not through check. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- Edward Lovett [info]
Reenterent Chess. There is one additional square where taken pieces can wait to reenter 5 by 8 main area. (5x8, Cells: 41)
Reenterent Chess - prototype board. Missing description
Reenterent Chess
. There is one additional square where taken pieces can wait to reenter 5 by 8 main area.
- Leonard B. Loyd Jr. [info]
Klin Zha. Chesslike game played by Klingons from Star Trek on triangular board. (Cells: 81)
Klin Zha: A Klingon. The Authorized Klin Zha Homepage.
Klin Zha
. Chesslike game played by Klingons from Star Trek on triangular board., more...
- Samuel Loyd [info]
A Chess Problem with a Chancellor from Samuel Loyd. Chess problem from 19th century.
Mate in two moves. Old mate in two problem from 1859.
- Halfen Ludith [info]
Tjatoer!. A chess variant written in Python, designed to stress test engines.
- Johnny Luken [info]
Abalonian Chess. johnnyluken. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Expanded Chess 256. The Chess experience upscaled to a larger board. (16x16, Cells: 256)
Infima. Missing description, more...
- James Lummel [info]
Masking Chess. Mask and move pieces so they are invisible to the opponent. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- Florin Lupusoru [info]
Black Swan. Pieces are replaced by Black Swans with unpredictable outcomes. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Centurion Chess. Centurions replace the Kings. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Fearsome Chess. Fear is the main rule. (8x8, Cells: 64) , more...
- G. Arthur Lutze [info]
Vierschach. 19th Century 4-player game where allies start off at right angles to each other. (14x14, Cells: 160)
- C. K. Lai [info]