Inventors Starting with Q
- Luc Queyrel [info]
No-Yes! Chess. French commercial variant with an element of chance.
- Hector Quintana [info]
Chess New. Missing description (10x10, Cells: 64)
- Francisco Quintanilla [info]
Pool Chess. Queens and Bishops bounce 90 degrees off the board edge. (8x12, Cells: 96)
Pool Chess PBM Preset. Queens and Bishops bounce 90 degrees off the board edge.
Pool Chess
. Queens and Bishops bounce 90 degrees off the board edge.
- Tony Quintanilla [info]
Chess Variant Set Construction. Describes a chess variant set made with ceramic tiles and wooden cubes.
Bellows Chess. The board expands and contracts from turn to turn. (12x12, Cells: 144)
Camel and Rhino Chess. Variant on 10 by 10 board with new pieces. (10x10, Cells: 100) , more...
- Hector Quintana [info]