Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.

This page is written by the game's inventor, HaruN Y. This game is a favorite of its inventor.

Suspicious Spies

This army for Chess with Different Armies is inspired by the Spy.


The pieces other than King & pawns are replaced with other pieces. In place of the Rooks there are 2 Spy Balistæ . In place of the Knights, there are 2 Woodies, in place of the Bishops are the Musketeers, & in place of the Queen is the Spy Flying Falcon.


Spy BallistaSlides straight ahead, or steps one square diagonally backward. Cannot be captured until it has captured a piece
WoodySteps one square orthogonally, or jumps to the 2nd square orthogonally
MusketeerSteps one square diagonally to an empty square, or slides orthogonally for capturing only
Spy Flying FalconSlides diagonally, or steps one square straight ahead. Cannot be captured until it has captured a piece


Unlike the Spy from Espionage Chess, the pieces here cannot regain their invulnerability.


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By HaruN Y.

Last revised by HaruN Y.

Web page created: 2024-05-11. Web page last updated: 2024-08-22