Piece Promotion Games 2
This is a rules file for Zillions of Games, a Windows program that will let you play any puzzle or strategy board game you can feed it the rules to. With Zillions-of-Games installed, this rules file will let you play this game against your computer.
*** Piece Promotion Games 2 *** invented by cherry late 2005, released late february 2006 *** thanks to creators of zillions and chessvariants site UPDATED MAY 2011 to improve gameplay. (lower piece density, better placement of pieces, easy promotional rules and more fun pawn promotion, i.e. pawn-> fers-> wazir-> dabbaba-> wazaba. added another board graphic, non-checkered style. 'Piece Promotion Games 2' is played on a 10x10 board, with pieces promoting in the final 3 ranks. There are 4 armies, with 10 variants. There are 6 leaper variants, 2 chaturanga variants, 1 shogi variants and 1 shatranj elephants variant. Descriptions below. * Chaturanga: Dabbaba promotes to Wazaba (dabbaba/wazir), Elephant promotes to Ferfil (alfil/fers). Knights do not promote. Pawns promote down a promotional line, pawn-> fers-> wazir-> dabbaba-> wazaba. There is also a variant that plays with the Zurafa, which is the Giraffe from 'Tamerlane Chess' (Timur's Chess).

Download Instructions
Instructions on downloading this Zillions file:
- Download the .zip file
- Extract the contents of the .zip file to your Zillions of Games folder
- Be sure you have the "Use folder names" checkbox checked when you extract the files.
This 'user submitted' page is a collaboration between the posting user and the Chess Variant Pages. Registered contributors to the Chess Variant Pages have the ability to post their own works, subject to review and editing by the Chess Variant Pages Editorial Staff.
By Christine Bagley-Jones.
Web page created: 2006-02-25. Web page last updated: 2011-05-21