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Wizard Chess is a Zillions-of-Games file. It is categorized as: Two dimensional, Large board.

Wizard Chess ZIP file. Variant on 12 by 7 board with fantasy pieces (includes Advanced Wizard Chess).

Author: Jens Markmann. Inventor: Paul E. Newton and Andrew P. Newton.


Includes:<ul><p> <li><b>Apprentice Wizard Chess</b>,</li><p> <li><b>Wizard Chess</b> and</li><p> <li><b>Advanced Wizard Chess</b>.</ul>

Other Information

The board used for this game has 12 row(s), 7 column(s), 84 cells/squares.
This game is a 2 player game.
Invented in the year 2002. [2001-2003]. [1997-2007].

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Group ID 'WizardChess'