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mike adams wrote on Tue, Jan 3, 2006 08:41 PM UTC:
Following my announcement above of David's death, I have been pleased so many have responded with tributes. David lived a very full life - he was a pilot in the RAF in WW2, flying the French government in exile back to Paris in 1944. After the war he continued a career in military intelligence. David married Elaine, who was three times British womens champion, in 1952 and they had a daughter and five grandchildren.He visited almost every country in the world and was made a Fellow of the British Royal Geographic Society. He was a strong chess player and once won a game against the young British GM Tony Miles.After his 'retirement' he worked as a Games consultant. His first chess primer published 60 years ago is still in print and has sold several hundred thousand copies worldwide. David also wrote books on Mahjong and Go before his two books on CV's. At the time of his death, he had almost completed revising his 1994 Encyclopedia of CV's. John Beasley, Secretary of the British CV society, of which David was President, hopes to complete the revised edition. I attended the Hastings International last week and organised a CV tournament on New Years eve in David's memory. 17 players took part in this event, playing 8 x 5min CV's, won jointly by IM Andrew Greet and Jack Rudd. I have just joined this site and look forward to continuing to organise CV OTB events as a fitting tribute to David who was so inspiring to others. Mike Adams ( Woodstreet)

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Top level header: <H1>

Block quote

Second paragraph in block quote

First Paragraph of response. Italics, bold, and bold italics.

Second Paragraph after blank line. Here is some HTML code mixed in with the Markdown, and here is the same <U>HTML code</U> enclosed by backticks.

Secondary Header: <H2>

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    • Nested list item

Third Level header <H3>

  1. An ordered list item.
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  3. A third ordered list item.
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  This line begins with some indentation.
    This begins with even more indentation.
And this line has no indentation.

Alt text for a graphic image

A definition list
A list of terms, each with one or more definitions following it.
An HTML construct using the tags <DL>, <DT> and <DD>.
A term
Its definition after a colon.
A second definition.
A third definition.
Another term following a blank line
The definition of that term.