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George Duke wrote on Mon, Nov 26, 2007 12:44 PM EST:
As a practical matter, we shall not exceed 32 Mutators operational at a time(example 24.Nov.07). Hence the standard is 'X Mutators taken 32 at a time'. Goal of course is attaining one-to-one #CVs to #Atoms(in universe). For convenience, new Mutators after RN1-RN32 are 200-series, designated 201, 202... The 'Cumulative totals' go on as before because of the following. Doug Chathan 18.Nov.07 links J.P.Neto's year 2000 article 'Mutators'. By principles and notations there, we can expand RN1-32 themselves in tandem with restricting new Mutators at most 32 activated. Examples available are such as Neto's Inverse, if any, of a Mutator and applying a Mutator repeatedly until fixed point etc. These will be spelled out when used. Mostly, we shall add to the number of modes periodically beyond the customary eight(8) so far, 'a' through 'h', of already-established RNs 1-32(RN 7 for Pawns has ten 'a' to 'j') themselves. Deliberately, the two currents can keep the running 'Cumulative' closely equivalent to our technique(usually having been just to multiply by 8 each step of the way). In other words, reductions from requiring only up to 32 active are offset at will by additional modalities of pre-existing Mutators. Thus, the very same over-all method essentially holds and continues, viz., more and more good Mutators serially onto the same Basis -- thereby making more and more games. Occasional adjustment and re-calculation in keeping with that standard 'nCr', namely nC32, 'X Mutators 32 at a time', will be tolerated; and anyway, in the end, we should be able far to exceed 10^80, in workable and well-defined CVs, to compensate for any slight inaccuracies; which may also arise from occasional contradictions not easy to reconcile(among some unusual RNs, in combination, by their very wordings and effects). So, next one is 'RN200' rather than RN33.

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