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George Duke wrote on Mon, Jan 7, 2008 02:01 PM EST:
RN207 Hobbler. (a) no effect (b) Player designates at Move One a piece-type that can only move forwardly. (c) 'b' and the Hobbler piece-type changes for Moves 11-20... There must be at least one on board at transition to new Hobbler. The old 'Hobbler' (QFRB or N) regains full move. (d) 'b' and Hobbler promotes at final rank in the strict order one step upwards: Knight to Bishop to Rook to Falcon to Queen to Knight. (e) 'c' and 'd' (f) 'b', the precise handicap for Hobbler is to move alternately forward, then back, then forward successively within the appointed piece-type. (g) 'c' and 'f' (h) 'd' and 'f' (i) 'c', 'd' and 'f' (j) 'd' except reverse promotion obtains: Q to F to R to B to N to Q (k) 'f' and 'j' (l) 'c', 'f' and 'j' (m) 'c' and 'j' (n) 'b' and King can be designated Hobbler too. (o) 'c' and King can be Hobbler per that ten-move interval. (p) 'f' King inclusive. Cumulative: 1.807195136 x 10^34 Chess Rules-Sets. If that number as molecules, turned to stone, were rock comprising Great Pyramid (granite, basalt, limestone, variously Turah limestone), it would encompass a hundred(100) roughly 2m. x 2m. x 2m. casing stones on the lowest level.

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