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George Duke wrote on Mon, Apr 25, 2011 11:37 PM UTC:
(Fugue is pair-inspired after Rococo and Complete Permutation, introducing quadri-compound R-B-N-F, is pair-inspired after Falcon.) The way 23/47 works for Queen, that was recognizable right away, to Winged Amazon follows. Add Knight 8 squares and Falcon 16 squares for 24 to enhance Queen. Immediately see 23+24=47, and the fraction is not Lavieri's meaningless. On 8x8 Queen varies among 21, 23, 25, and 27, in themes of problemists the '23' cropping up. Even Grandmasters know 23 as the most typical command for Queen which would be from the 6x6 ''perimeter.'' I doubt they ever happen to call it that, but CVs are interdisciplinary. That is, the 6x6 is one step inward from the perimeter(8x8 board), where at any edge or corner Queen unobstructed has potential reach to just 21 squares. One more step to the 4x4 and Queen has 25, and finally 27 from the 2x2 center and her maximum thereon, where she would seldom sit. OrthoChess experts commonly cite and programmers commonly use value of Bishop being upgraded by like centralization in smart moves. So Queen's 23 is most common position for her to be and also in fact her average of all the 64 squares. If taking Winged Amazon's average the same way, it works back up to almost 1/2, something like 23/47 too by crediting the Knight leap and the Falcon three-paths as further-enhancing -- despite Winged Amazon's average reach becoming less than the 47, averaging so including all 64 squares not only the targeted 12. On 8x8 from the most central 12 squares, excluding the corners of the 4x4, Winged Amzon's average reach unobstructed actually is exactly the 47.0. Creative design could come up with a tailored cv where player would want Winged Amazon staying centralized, where the ''47.0'' strictly holds. So in all, Winged Amazon should be almost twice the value of Queen most piece mixes, whether or not some ''23/47'' is precisely determinable (it would depend too on rules and array), if they are solitary strong units on board sizes 8x8 to somewhat larger, 8x9, 9x10, 10x10. This above is a different sort of work-up to close approximate values than Betza's ways in the ''IV&PVs'' of Joyce/Muller/Paulowich undertaking. Be reluctant to say two Queens equal one Amazon if there is trade potential with Rook or hook mover or Archer like Fugue's of lesser value to gum up her tandem effectiveness. Winged Amazon would appear both powerful, commanding up to 51(+ the present 1) of 64, over 81% of the board, and elusive.

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