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George Duke wrote on Sun, Mar 18, 2018 12:50 PM UTC:

Next Chess has Bifurcators ranked number one.  They are the problem theme solution to the OrthoChess crisis in that they have mathematical appeal.  At our leisure Joe Joyce, myself, Jeremy Good have made successive nominations, and the target date is 2030.  The project for fun is unofficial informal series of threads started in 2008.  

#1 Bifurcators including Winther's 40 new ones would need more than Gustavian  board, at least 8x10.  #2 Great Shatranj actually has debt to Kozune where its compounds were already used and board size does improve to the 80 squares from Kozune's 9x9 attempt.  #4 Mastodon takes up with century-old Pasha, appealing short-ranger in being leaper without oblique direction.  #5 Three-Player dynamics are not so easily simplified as four-player implementations  of Chess.  

#6 Unicorn uses the conventional Nightrider together with the Carrera compounds that torture the Knight.  Schoolbook is the chosen variant at #10 for those very Carreran Bishop-N and Rook-N, the two most popular fairy pieces, because of Trenholme's detailed game annotations.  Big Board of 8-rank is the pre-placement game with all orthodox pieces of Shoenfelder.  

#11 Fischer Random, really almost 200 years old now as CV idea, is getting current revival with much chatter at ChessBase about singleminded Fischer himself.  #7 Sissa has unique solution in brand new type.  Eurasian #9 is perfect Western-pieces implementation of 100-year Dawson Canon, hopper to go with Chinese cannon. 

Time Travel #3 is promising wildcard like other 4- and more dimensional games that could be considered.  It probably belongs in Track Two with Rococo and Tetrahedral as forever to remain variant not Orthodox.

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