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John Lawson wrote on Fri, May 17, 2002 05:21 AM UTC:
I went back and reread Pizza Kings, and it's better than I remembered. 
Pizza Kings actually had a definite satirical purpose.  At that time,
people were suggesting various different armies with themes like leaping,
or spaciousness, or fizziness.  I just extended the theme to something
completely irrelevant to chess, and then developed the theme deadpan.  Part
of the point I was making earlier is that sort of thing is only pleasing in
moderation.  If I had gone on to invent the Avenging Appetizers and the
Beer Batterers, the result would have been far less than three times as

I was also unclear in stating my preference.  I much prefer an entertaining
and engaging description.  I am one of those variantists who actually
rarely play, but, concurring with gnohmon's point, I found Nemoroth so
fascinating that I am actually playing an email game.  That is based on two
things: the terrific description, and the original mechanics.  In the case
of Nemoroth, they cannot be separated.  Without the story, the mechanics
would seem capricious.  Without the unusual mechanics, the story would just
be an exercise in cleverness, without point on the CVP.  Now, e.g., there
is a clear picture in my mind of a Leaf Pile, what it does, and why.

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