Comments by Littlewolf
I am finally happy about this game and I think it is ready for publishing. I have changed the 12x12 chessboard into an 11x11 chessboard. Now, I hope, it makes more sense. Please let me know if there is anything else to consider.
Sorry guys, but I had to change the name for this chess variant. I hope the new name makes more sense.
After changing the name of this game I have realised that the index information won't change. Does anybody know how to fix it?
Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, since I never published anything on this site they won't allow me this luxury.
Note to the editors. Could you please delete this page for now. I am trying to republish Chess 121 under the new name but the site won't allow me since I never published anything on this site. Many thanks.
This is a good idea but I would have included more randomness into it. We are talking about computers beating humans at chess. We need to make the chess game impossible for computers to analyse. If the chess pieces for this game were something Reversi like, where you can flip a piece and turn it into a completely different and random piece, that would flip upside down the entire strategy of chess, giving humans more advantage against computers.
This game is ready for publishing. There is nothing else that needs to be added.
This is a great way to visually draw your own board. The only complaint is that most of the pieces included are ridiculous. We are talking about pieces who will never fight in real battles. Why so many animals included? Have you ever seen animals fighting in battles, apart from horses, elephants, camels and bulls? Why not include FARMERS, PEASANTS, and other real life fighters?
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Thank you for your feedback. I hope the updated rules have covered everything.
I believe this game deserves more attention from the editors. I know, the game is quite unusual, and people prefer to stick to more classical chess variants, but please, give it a chance.
Just made the calculations for this example. Please let me know if there is anything else to consider.
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What program did you use for the graphics? Did you program it yourself?
For some reason I am unable to write this game. Either the algorithm doesn't like this name or something else is happening. My first attempt was to use the name Watchers but my page was instantly deleted after I finished writing it. Very strange. Please let me know what is happening.
I think I have found the problem.
For some reason I can't upload the image from the Musketeer Board Painter.
That was why my entire page has been deleted automatically.
Hope this makes sense. Please let me know if there is anything else to consider.
Can anybody have a look at the updated rules please? Many thanks.
It's funny that Demons are being considered for chess variants, but when I wanted to make a game about Watchers, some people got uneasy on religious grounds. So, my question is, if the Demons are OK, what's wrong with the Watchers?
It looks like almost nobody on this site seems to like maths. Whether you publish this chess variant or not, I will stop bothering you. One day, you will realise that this is the greatest and most challenging chess variant ever invented.
Thanks. I checked the two sites and I can't access them either.
I actually addressed all the points raised in the previous comments. It took me several months to figure out the rules and make this game work. If you do a game simulation on Musketeer Board Painter you will see that this game is actually fun to play and has no more issues about the rules.
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The likelihood of a double checkmate is so slim that we shouldn't worry about it. But if it still happens we have the above rule that removes from the board the piece checkmating the Fake King. That would solve the problem. But we can still add a new rule forbidding double checkmate.