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Comments by TomasForsman
Just as I loved the smaller version I fell in love with the bigger one. I have just watched the white side crush the black side again. I'm using a slightly slower computer then you (450 Mhz) wich might indicate that the black has some advantage but has to think things through more. Anyways, I love this game very much and I am very greatful that you invented it. I enjoy variants that doesn't change to much on the original rules. Just enough to make it interesting. Simple changes are often more enginous, this one certenly were. With regards Tomas Forsman
I find this idea intriguing. Wouldn't this result in very fast games? With an 'illegal move', do you mean that you take a piece and move it anywhere on the board? Tomas
I've gone through the rules of this game and I only found a few things I wasn't comfortable with. First I don't agree with the different types of Rooks. Letting them go in both directions would add a lot of strategy to the game but I guess the reason for it is to make it as straight forward as possible. The second thing I don't like is to forbid the players to make a move that means they can not end up on the right square. What if they don't see it? Another 'fix' for this problem is that a player loose if the other catches him making such a move or if in the end your pieces are unable to end up in the right position. This would however create a situation for draw. If both players have made such a move and discovers it at the same time. These are only thoughts and I haven't tried them out in a game yet. Regards Tomas Forsman
I never meant to be anonymous *smile* the TW just popped there out of habit (nickname being TomWolf). The game will reapear as soon as the contest is back up so I wouldn't take it away from here. Designing a bigger variant of it would still be interesting though and I would love to play it. As I said in the previous comment. The tactics needed are powerful and it's not an easy game to play. Creating a bigger board would allow for more choices of tactics, open up for mistakes and for suprices. As it is now a human doesn't have much chanse against a computer. I will look out for a bigger version but don't take it away from the competition. Tomas
What I found out when trying to play this game was that you were right. It isn't very playable. The strategy involved aren't very complex and thus the player that doesn't start has a tremendous advantage. The only strategy you have, besides from moving slow, is to try to force the opponent to make a move that leaves you with a pass. This ain't much of a strategy either. Still, it was an interesting read and play. Tomas
This indeed is a great game. I have played it for a few times now and my favourite way of mating is leaving the Anti-King unchecked with the same move as I check the ordinary King. Sort of a double check wich, as I interpret the rules leads to a mate. Good game Tomas
Another variant could be, and this probably exists under some name, to start with two boards and two sets of pieces each. Except that there would be no King on the second board. Just a thought. The game is very fun to play however. Tomas
Right now I wish I had just a little bit more money. If I had I would run down to the store and buy material to make this myself...yeah, right, it's sunday...but still. This is a great tutorial and a great idea. Thank you. Tomas Forsman
This would ofcourse mean that you won't promote into a queen if you take your pawn to the 8th rank. That would gain you nothing and your opponent get another Queen possibillity. The strategies behind this game is rather fun to think about. You don't want to take all your opponents pieces 'cause you'll loose easier. I think I'll like it when I get around to play test it. Regards Tomas
The idea is great. Most of these are explained over and over. Add more rules to it and it will go from Poor to Excellent in no time. This deserves more work put in to it. Tomas Forsman
I am very anxcious about this contest and I am eagerly awaiting it's opening. Perhaps some of the not so bussy editors could help out and get the submissions up. I want to playtest =) Tomas
In the work of creating a chessvariant tournament called ChessWar I came up with the idea of having a chatroom dedicated for chessvariants and more spesific Zillion players (since the tournament will use Zillions to play). What I wonder now is if there are any interest in a chatroom from chessvariant players and creators. It would be a great place to meet other Zillion players since there aren't really any such place at the moment. It would also be a good place to go if you need players to test a game you have created. The room will open during July but I'm very interested to hear thoughts about the idea. Tomas Forsman
I don't know about any vast wisdom but on the top of my head I can think about a couple of things you could add. 3d notation tiles vs. points winning by killing all or some of the other players pieces winning by reaching a point on the board pass allowed vs. not allowed shared pieces progressive turns I'm sure you can think of more or find more by browsing around. I think the idea is great and very usefull when making the rules for the site. I hope you keep working on it. With high respect and regards Tomas Forsman
We are now closing in on the deadline for submissions on the 84-square contest. Will it perhaps turn up at that date? I'm sorry if I sound impatient, I just want to see if people like or dislike my entry =) -=Tomas=-
I now know about six entries (yours and mine included) and that probably means there are a lot more. You could go back to older competitions to see how many there use to be. A guess would be 20-25 but it's hard to say. Could be less since it hasn't been active and no entries have been shown so people can think 'I can do better then that' ;). Let's hope for plenty. If you want someone to playtest them with (using Zillions) give me a shout at tomas@it-designer.com -=T=-
Well, I counted those who had written comments and the one that was up there for a while. I only counted one from you so now it's one more. As you say, can be many more or not. We'll see =) -=T=-
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Don't sweat it Fergus. We all appreciate the work you are putting into the competition just to get it going. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the submissions and I hope that your move goes well. -=T=-
Well I disagree a little bit with that. I will probably play all games that have a zillions file but the rest I probably wont play but I'll read through the rules and pass my 'judgement' at all games. I'll have comments for those I haven't played as well based on my past experiences with similar rules or what I think of the games inovativeness (if that is a word). I think that the comment thing helps a lot since it alteast forces the voter to read through the rules and get a grip about the game. In my humble opinion I think that judges are better then public voting though I think that comments from players and testers should influence the judges as well. -=T=-
I like this game =) It's a fun game to play. Is there some way to force some forwardness into the game to avoid situations where the only option is to give up or draw by 3 time repetition? -=T=-
Perhaps adding a checkbox (Have played the game x number of times). Ofcourse this will lead to some lying from voters but with the comment too I think the rulers can decide the weight of each vote. Haven't really thought that much about this idea but it's just an idea ;) -=T=-
I've downloaded and played this game a couple of times and while I think that it is a good chessvariant I also think that the author coul duse a dose of modesty ;) This is a good chessgame so don't think that I don't appreciate it but it's not the best I've ever played and it's not the 'new chess'. Perhaps I'm wrong and perhaps this is the new chess and if it is I will humbly admit that I was wrong. It has its points though and the one I like the most is the Jester. Zillions seem to have trouble of planing the use of the Jester and put it in at the first move pawn. I'm not a chessprogrammer so I don't know if this is something that most chessprograms would do or if its just a Z problem. Good work Karl. Tomas
I like this idea. I have to try this out with some friends sometime soon. -=T=-
I wish that someone else within chessvariants.com could take it upon him(her)self to publish the games. Once that is done there ain't much work with the contest for quite some time. The rest of the site are very active and new material comes up every now and then, I really whish part would be as active. I understand Fergus, sometimes one just doesn't have the time, strenght´or motivation to follow some things through and sometimes it's just plain impossible. I just wish that someone could help him out. -=Tomas=-
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