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Jocly. An html-based web platform for playing 2-player abstract stategy games.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
François Houdebert wrote on Wed, Jan 3 09:33 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 07:52 PM:

I agree that we need to take the time to finalize the variants with the right icons and not act in haste. An elegant squashed commit of a coherent subset when it's ready is still a good idea.

By the way, is there a simple way of retrieving the piece type id (piece.t) from a string to facilitate the creation of custom promote functions when using cbPiecesFromFEN?

For example, Can we find out whether a piece parameter corresponds to a tower or a rider or a pawn more easily than logging this.pieces[i]?

François Houdebert wrote on Wed, Jan 3 11:08 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 09:57 PM:


I have merged our change in wikipedia-fairy-sprites.png (hawk and terror) and fairy-set-view.js (+ res/fairy/terror/) If you can, you should retrieve at least that from :

François Houdebert wrote on Thu, Jan 4 11:59 AM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 09:39 AM:

The idea of the steward seems relevant. Would this be the same behavior as the soldier used in some variants?

Would this include the Steward Chess promotion rules?

From svg to physical shogi set[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
François Houdebert wrote on Thu, Jan 4 02:21 PM UTC:

I tested the possibility of making a physical shogi game from svg.

I started from

which had hollowed out 3D pieces with SVGs in freecad.

In tinkercad I exported a svg for laser cutting with a set of selected pieces :

At the moment I can't cut the back of the pieces because, as the pieces are inclined, they are not horizontal on both sides.

I'm not going any further this time, but I'm sharing a photo because it might inspire someone to share sets for laser cutting from their SVG library.

Jocly. An html-based web platform for playing 2-player abstract stategy games.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
François Houdebert wrote on Thu, Jan 4 03:02 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from Sun Dec 24 2023 03:03 PM:

I hadn't seen this message before, I was wondering if the "piece-creator tool" was a home-made command-line tool?

It sounds magical to me, could it be used by other people?

François Houdebert wrote on Thu, Jan 4 04:26 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 03:35 PM:


I'll try to compile it and use it out of curiosity when the time comes.

François Houdebert wrote on Thu, Jan 4 10:08 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 07:42 PM:

I've published the changes on github
As I've modified the hawk sprites in the meantime, I think you'll need to get the latest version of

I've seen jocly/tube, so I'll have to study that in depth.

How do you see the next step? Is it possible to pull down the refactoring of the documentation (html of rules, images ...) to get index.js files closer? or Shall we do it on a brand new branch?

From svg to physical shogi set[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
François Houdebert wrote on Fri, Jan 5 07:22 AM UTC in reply to Diceroller is Fire from Thu Jan 4 05:37 PM:

Thank you, I hadn't read that article before.

I started indeed from the same pieces but I didn't want to use 3D printing to make plastic pieces this time.

I wanted to test laser cutting to make wooden or slate pieces quickly, easily and cheaply... in one ou two passes max for the set.

Unfortunately, these parts aren't perfectly suited to this, so I'll have to remake them. Maybe I'll do that later.

As I know that there are creators of pieces and beautiful libraries of SVG, there may be someone who would be interested to try. Apparently a lot of software allows you to hollow out a piece from an svg easily.

Jocly. An html-based web platform for playing 2-player abstract stategy games.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
François Houdebert wrote on Fri, Jan 5 09:42 AM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 09:18 AM:

I've started making graph images to help with the doc. I can make more images if it's useful.

The documentation is an important part of the project, because it's likely that in 2 or 3 months' time, all this will be available in the mobile applications for a wide audience who aren't necessarily comfortable with English and who want to get straight to the point. For example, for elven, it's important to explain the rules for the lion at the beginning of the page.

Note that my branch trial is rebased if you want to try to pull it.

We should make sure  that the external links in the documentation go to pages that the authors will be able to maintain over time, because updating mobile terminals will depend on the users.

I'd therefore advise anyone who has variants in jocly to make sure that the rules/description/credits pages are suitable for them with joclyboard.

François Houdebert wrote on Fri, Jan 5 05:28 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 12:50 PM:

fr-terror : you are right, I had a conflict on that file, I thought I resolved it correctly, but I didn‘t. I pushed a new version.

Your evolutions for PiecesFromFEN are interesting, I will certainly use the setValues functions if possible.

I managed to compile Tube but I am not yet able to make the most out of it. Of course we can replace the diffuse maps if we have improved ones.

Concerning the visuals, I made it from screen capture from joclyboard, that may be why the chessboard square render badly.

Your idea to use SVG would be a great improvement for Jocly but I'm not sure how feasible it is. I assume you already have an idea of how to do it.

François Houdebert wrote on Fri, Jan 5 06:26 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 12:50 PM:

I confirm that the order of PiecesFromFEN work as expected. I have tested and modified grand chess but not commited it yet.

I also confirm that the default in wild-mirza-600x600-2d.jpg comes from windows resizing in joclyboard. The visual is modified. but of course the problem remains.

I saw that you'd managed to pull the refactoring of the doc to your branch. That's a good news. Let me know if there's any point in my continuing to refactor the docs of chessbase/decimal and chessbase/shogi directories, or if there are more disadvantages than advantages because of the risk of conflicts.

François Houdebert wrote on Fri, Jan 5 11:28 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 09:35 PM:

Yes I will try to help to fill res/rules/fairy, I don‘t know yet how I'm going to get the 3d images consistent with the rest though.

for tube unfortunately I am not yet able to be useful so far.


François Houdebert wrote on Sat, Jan 6 01:17 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 08:18 AM:

I pushed a first draft. I can easily improve some image if necessary

François Houdebert wrote on Sat, Jan 6 01:19 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 08:18 AM:

yes probably best in base-view.js

François Houdebert wrote on Sat, Jan 6 02:29 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 02:21 PM:

I will check that in the evening

François Houdebert wrote on Sat, Jan 6 03:41 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 02:21 PM:

for the terror : zip initial version and zip tested on my env

François Houdebert wrote on Sat, Jan 6 08:53 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 06:15 PM:

Jocly v0.9.13 is the version they published after the recent pull requests. Joclyboard, which was broken, was recently repaired and now includes this version.

We are working on the next version 0.9.14 ? Joclyboard 0.9.14 will carry it.

Now (with gulp 4 et nodejs 18) we can work on any machine even a windows desktop as long as nodejs 18 is installed.

I use joclyboard to test (I copy fresly compile dist directory in joclyboard/app/node_modules/jocly) : thmbs, visuals, the 3 html files ...

You can access the documentation via the rules, credits, about button (test from this morning).

This is what they will use for each variant before accepting the next pull request. I also believe that the html and images will be used in the next mobile application.

I don't know if it's still time to talk about that. I have a new candidate for the 2d hawk sprite: a Falco peregrinus.

@Jean-Louis : Do you like it better than the aquila. Would a rounder eye be better?
@HG : At least if it was selected. It would be better to modify the sprites file on your side. It's up to you to decide to keep it or not.

François Houdebert wrote on Sat, Jan 6 10:41 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 06:15 PM:

if you install the expected version of node on another computer  while waiting to solve the problem :

then you could clone

then npm install


François Houdebert wrote on Sat, Jan 6 10:48 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 10:46 PM:

I haven't had time to test it, but all the changes have been uploaded to github.

François Houdebert wrote on Sat, Jan 6 11:08 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 09:18 PM:

The only info I got is from

Note that there is a hidden(collapsed) menu at the bottom of the page when you play to control parameters.

François Houdebert wrote on Sun, Jan 7 08:34 AM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from Sat Jan 6 10:46 PM:

I haven't gone into the details yet. But I'd like a few clarifications to make sure I understand.

Does this mean that when it's finished, I won't need to implement cbMoveMidZ in the views for standard variants built from a FEN string? Or is it broader than that, e.g. all variants that use fairy-move-model?

By the way, if you think it is usefull, I can make a documentation on how to use joclyboard for dev from scratch in the latest version.

Concerning the hawk/falcon visual, I asked Jérôme for help because I couldn't manage to make a decent one on my own. Here are his suggestions. what do you think?


They are ready to use, personnally I prefer the one with round eyes.

If usefull for minjiku or any other of your shogi variant, I Can send you the fortress / tiger piece which have beautifull visuals in 3d.

François Houdebert wrote on Sun, Jan 7 12:19 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 11:12 AM:

That's a nice present for Jocly.

This means we can test it simply by commenting cbMoveMidZ in a view like bigorra-view.js, which contains almost all the pieces.


alfaerie2plywood[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
François Houdebert wrote on Sun, Jan 7 12:47 PM UTC:

I tried laser cutting again with the svg from alfaerieSVG.

In my case, I printed about 50 double-sided tiles for the shogis :

I don't know if there's a real use case for shogi, which is perhaps more practical on software, but in any case it can be done easily in a few minutes and for a very reasonable expense.


Jocly. An html-based web platform for playing 2-player abstract stategy games.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
François Houdebert wrote on Sun, Jan 7 04:10 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 03:17 PM:

I have to say I'm going to defer to your analysis because, apart from distinguishing irregular board from regular board, I wouldn't really know how to go about it.

François Houdebert wrote on Sun, Jan 7 05:53 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 03:17 PM:

It might be a bit early to test, but I thought it might help to get some initial feedback.

Jean-Louis helped us to check the moves on bigorra without custom cbMoveMidZ in the view:

Snake: When the Snake does a non jumping "Knight" move (2,1) to its right, and only in this case, it starts by the diagonal step prior to the vertical one, which is wrong.

Rhino: sometimes, it starts also by the diagonal step when making a non jumping Knight move. But not always, it depends on the square it starts! (For example Black Rhino on j11 to go on k9 or k13)

Camel: it's sliding, not jumping Sorceress,

Canon: sliding for capturing instead of leaping (Archer is correct)

Marshall: does the opposite: slide as N and leap as R


By the way, I posted the hawk sprites may be a bit too early. It is better to retrieve wikipedia-fairy-sprites.png to avoid a clash on the binary file before the next pull command.

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