Comments by fhou
Are you OK to send a pull request with this branch fairySet ?
If chess is a war, here is a way to put a ram on its pedestal :
The pull request is sent : FairySet
I've started a draft doc for shogi on this branch. Of course, it's just a proposal
from Michel :
Great, there seems to be a lot of good stuff in this PR. Unfortunately, I won't have time to review before I leave, it'll have to wait 3 months. But in any case, you can use your branch to run these new games in a site.
Congratulations again!
Yes, we could complete the version : fairySet even if he may be quicker than he says . There are also a few commits to pull.
We could change some visuals for scirocco and also maybe to team-mate?
The Addition with chu-shogi?
Documentation of shogi (draft here), do you want to add the western 2d skin to the pull request?
For timurid chess, It's a good idea, see how it could be done. Loading from a fen string following canvas selection?
Your goat look nice.
If a 'prelude-model.js' is created, I'll try to use it to set timurid parameters, which will allow the declinations to be merged.
clear syntax
That sounds very promising. This will make it possible to reduce timurid chess to a variant with
prelude: [0,{ panelWidth: 1, setups: ["XQX","XLX","HQH","HLH","HSH"], squares: { 1:[15,18,20], '-1':[123,126,128] } }],
Well done
Let's do it like this
If it's easy to implement, then it's probably worth doing...
It's a good idea to provide an example. It's the best way to ensure that the code is understood and used.
10 variants in one, well done. I will try to draw inspiration from it for the variant timurids.
I updated the pull request with your contributions.
A suggestion for chu shogi would be to use the same representation for the side mover as in minjiku to facilitate learning (for example side mover: machine, reverse cart: mini tower, soaring eagle -> aigle, horned falcon -> hawk).
If we duplicate the sprites (wikipedia-fairy-sprites) in shogi/tenjiku-sprites.png we could even add the tiger and the wild boar, here is what that would give
Scirocco is working well, will you update the visuals? do you want me to do it?
Otherwise I played a lot of minjiku which I find very interesting, in the rules which are well done, it would be a useful addition to add an explanation on the "area move" that is mentionned.
it's not surprising that castling takes a little time to refine
For my part, the integration of a prelude for a parameterized version of timourides went smoothly.
Thanks for everything, it's better this way.
are we going to remove carrera, gothic and janus? or are we going to duplicate config_view_js_30, which is shared with capablanca in index.js?
you're efficient at making pieces quickly.
NB : index.js is modified
I have my doubts about the starting arrangements for :
Carrera: ANBKQBNM instead of ANBQKBNM ?
Janus : ANBKQBNA instead of ANBQKBNA ?
satisfactory in my opinion
This is not the easiest piece to make for a vertical station.
We could imagine the arms very close together or very short , Here is an idea for a chess piece :
If you switch back to scirocco, check the behavior of the commoner, which takes on its line.
The behavior seems an unexpected empty promotion on his line.
To reproduce: Cf1-e4 d8-d7 2. Ce4xd7 Guc8-c7 3. Cd7xe10=Sq+
you have to take the squirrel with the commoner on ist first line to reproduce the promotion message.
I have another question concerning minjku:
If I play the fire dragon in i6: should the kirin be burned?
I confirm. minjiku seems to be well done in terms of webgl visuals: I think you could add now : res/visuals/minjiku-shogi-600x600-3d.jpg
I made a little todo list to take stock of what we could add to improve the existing with what I know:
Minjiku :
-difference between doc and sprite for ninja (ship instead of gate)
-add res/visuals/minjiku-shogi-600x600-3d.jpg
Shogis :
rules for shogi, mini shogi, tori
fix sprite for lateral mover, tiger
decide the use of western skin or not
Carrera et janus :
test castling
Team-Mate Chess :
-Use phoenix, cobra, mortar sprites
-add visuals
Scirocco : update rules with new visuals
werewolf : update res/rules/werewolf/werewolf-initial.jpg with wolf
If I can help, please don't hesitate to ask.
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It builds ok for me too A few additional finishes :
I added 2 commits :
1/refactoring squirrel, griffon, axe + minor changes for documentation
2/replace aquila by falcon head
Do you think that we can make the pull request with this branch fairySet?
I can help if it is usefull : rules for mini-shogi for ex.