Comments by j_carrillo_vii
My rating is specific to the Davidson Variation of Chaturanga.
If Davidson was correct (about Kings being able to move into check and to be captured), this would make an interesting alternative evolution story from Chaturanga to Shatranj, which makes a nicer transition story from Chaturanga to Shatranj to Chess.
Chaturanga - Davidson Variation (Rule Enforcing) Presets:
- Original ashtapada Indian board.
- Alternate uncheckered plain Persian board (without ashtapada markings).
I'm getting this error message when I'm trying to play in my game below:
Error: The logfile at ../pbmlogs/petteia_xxi/j_carrillo_vii-cvgameroom-2018-146-869.php is missing, or something is misspelled.
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Jul 9 at 2:15 PM
Here is the latest move in the game of Petteia XXI between you and per hommerberg:
25... s i5-h5
To make your move, follow this URL:
Is there a problem with the database, or was the game deleted?
Can you please restore the backup?
My opponent ran out of time in this game:
However the game is still showing active in the Game Courier Game Logs page.
Can you fix the status of this game as the game is completed?
Is there something I need to do to the preset to prevent thiscondition from happening?
No I don't have it anymore. I searched my backups but can't find it.
I sent Yu Ren Dong an email asking him if the ZRF is still available.
Got the WujiChess.zrf !!!
Yu Ren Dong emailed it to me.
I'll email it to you.
The empty command doesn't seem to be working as it should,
I'm trying to create a new preset, and when using the empty command in the pre-game, the pieces end up captured.
Then I checked one of my old presets (below), which used to work, and realized that the empty command has the same incorrect behavior:
I just added those same lines to my code, and the result was the same, "empty" captured.
Doesn't seem to work. I end up with 4 captured pieces.
alias S CI s ci D ~C d ~c;
empty a4;
empty a5;
capture e1;
empty a1;
echo $lastcaptured;
Do I have to need to add an include file for "empty" to work the way it used to?
Thanks Fergus.
This worked for me.
setsystem originalpieces currentpieces;
Hi Fergus,
I have now a problem with the "won" command.
I just use the "won" command in this game:
but the game continued.
I asked my opponent to resign, while I sort out what is happening to the "won" command.
I'm not sure I understood your response.
Does the won command don't work anymore when entered as a move?
How are we supposed to claim a win when we checkmate in a preset that does not enforce the rules?
It would make more sense for the "won" command to work as a move than the "lost" command. For losing a game we have the alternative to "resign" command, but what is the alternative when we win by checkmate and we should claim a win immediately, rather than ask the opponent to resign a checkmated position?
Thanks Fergus.
Now that the "won" command is working (and because by opponent had resigned to the game, while the won command didn't work) there was a strange behavior that affected the result for this game:
Now it shows that my opponent (who resigned) won the game.
Can you please correct the result for this game? Thanks again.
Also, something went wrong with this game, which also just ended with the "won" command:
I'm trying to view the moves to replay the game, and now I can't see any of the moves.
It just show the starting board without any of the moves played.
Thanks in advance.
Apologies Fergus, gave you the wrong link.
The correct game was this one:
But I just checked again and now the log is there. It was weird. last time I checked there were only two lines in the log, White to play and Jose Carrillo won the game.
And I saw it as well in the page source.
Seems to be fine now. Thanks.
And thanks for correcting the winner in the other comment I submited.
I must be going crazy... :-(
Now this game:
(the game whose moves I couldn't see before) is showing that my opponent won the game. This game is another one where I ended the game with the "won" command.
I issued the "won" command as white, but the log shows that my opponent (black) won.
There seems to be something weird with the "won" command.
Below the page source section with the problem:
Thanks Fergus!
The problems with the "won" command are back.
This game is again showing the wrong winner:
Can you delete 18. resign move from the database?
I think this is causing a problem after a won command.
= = =
Source code:
Hi Fergus
are you aware?
= = =
Announcement: End of Yahoo Groups We’re shutting down the Yahoo Groups website on December 15, 2020 and members will no longer be able to send or receive emails from Yahoo Groups. Yahoo Mail features will continue to function as expected and there will be no changes to your Yahoo Mail account, emails, photos or other inbox content. There will also be no changes to other Yahoo properties or services. You can find more information about the Yahoo Groups shutdown and alternative service options on this help page.
= = =
As of December 15 we will need a new mailing list for open invitations from Game Courier.
Thanks again Fergus.
Google Groups is an alternative.
Yes it works too as the Yahoo Mailing lists.
I just created a test list with two of my email addresses, and sent a test message to my new list.
Got the test email on both of my email inboxes.
Yes Fergus.
The email group address would look like this:
Hi Fergus,
Did you get to create the new email group at GoogleGroups?
The no longer works, as Yahoo decommissioned that service on December 15th.
Looks good Fergus.
I just sent a public invitation and received the email from the google group.
Thanks Jose
PS. Did you get the invitation for the game I setup? I didn't get the invitation for the game you had sent, but my membership to the group had not been accepted yet.
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Thanks Kevin for your comment and your rating.
Let meknow if you want to play a game!