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The only persons who absolutely may not enter are Hans and I. (In general, editors have been submitting only non-competing entries for the past several contests.) We welcome entries from past prizewinners and newcomers alike.
(Quote:) 'Message from yahoo.com. Unable to deliver message to the following address(es). <chessvariants2@yahoo.com>: Sorry, your message to chessvariants2@yahoo.com cannot be delivered. This account is over quota.' (End quote) I cannot submit my competing entry!!!! What shall I do now?
Carlos, it might help if you sent the entry to the *correct* address: editors@chessvariants.com
Mr. Martin: We have received your Diplomat Chess entry. We are experiencing problems with mail forwarding at the moment; if the situation is not cleared up in 48 hours or so I will mail you an alternate address for your submission. Glenn Overby CVP Competitions Editor
I can promise you that I sent it to the correct address, i.e. 'editors@chessvariants.com' - then I got the message I quoted in my previous message. I DIDN'T send it to any 'chessvariants2@yahoo.com'. I supposed the editors wanted the entries to be re-directed to the other address (maybe to save storage space or something). ------ What you have received is probably my 'second attempt' to send my entry to you - I 'summarized' it a bit in case it was a problem of space.
I have also sent an entry to editors@chessvariants.com, and I would like to know whether anyone got it, or if I should resend it, since I have received no feedback whatsoever. --Jared
I would like to thank my fellow staff members for picking up the slack for me during a time of recent personal upheaval. I believe that all entries which have been submitted are now posted and linked. Contestants, thank you for your patience. The voting instructions will be posted soon after the April 15th entry deadline, but after the last of any last-minute entries is posted. I'm enjoying your creativity so far.
I am impressed with the overall level of submissions in this contest. Designing a good small variant is <i>much</i> harder than designing a good large variant, and designing a good large variant isn't exactly easy.
Circular forty-three cell chess board with the cell colourings reminiscent of semiprecious gemstones. I was recently looking at the following page, authored by Mike Kelley. http://www.starwars-rpg.net/journal/archive/2000-08/holochess.html I was also thinking about this present contest and I realized that a circular board along the general design of the board used in that page could be constructed with 3 rings each of 14 cells and 1 centre cell so as to make a board with 43 cells. I have thus far produced a board and thought about trying to produce an entry for the contest, though not got too far with that as yet. So, I thought that I would make the board available now and allow anyone who wishes to use it as part of an entry to this contest to do so, in the hope that the board will be used. It is available at the following address on the web. http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ngo/board43r.gif If the editors of www.chessvariants.com agree to include the graphic in the www.chessvariants.com webspace the graphic may be copied by them and included as a board graphic within the www.chessvariants.com webspace. The design is intended to convey the idea of cells within a gold framework with the cells paved with rose quartz, jade and lapis lazuli. I have entitled it as 'Circular forty-three cell chess board with the cell colourings reminiscent of semiprecious gemstones.' and hope that the design will be used for some original chess variant games. William Overington 12 April 2003
I have just noticed the following by Carlos Martín-Fuertes Moreno in the See also: section. http://www.chessvariants.com/43.dir/diplomat/diplomat-chess.html William Overington 12 April 2003
I am working on the page for the last competing entry (Diminuendo) which will make 15. There is also one more set of changes to an existing entry which is on time. All competing entries will be ready for your votes by the announced date of May 1st.
Umm, it's May 2nd, and nothing is going on. --Jared
Actually, there's a great deal going on. At work. :) I expect to post the voting instructions later this weekend. Glenn
I'm hoping to see ZRFs for more of these games. Some of them can't be handled by the PBM, and many have not been implemented for Zillions. Without the ability to play them with or over the computer, I may not have the opportunity to play some of these games. I might then have to rely on evaluating games without playing them. I expect to do most of my evaluation of games during the last week of May, since I will be grading until then, and I will be teaching a summer course during June.
Voting instructions have now been posted above. Just send an email to the address listed, listing up to 15 games in order of merit and including your name. Entrants MUST vote for at least 10 games, and MUST NOT vote for their own at this stage. Glenn
I would like to request an extention of the deadline for round one. I did not do any evaluating of games this past week, because I was busy preparing for my Summer course, and that course is going to eat up the time I have available in June. I would like to take adequate time to evaluate the games once I have some time to do it, but if the deadline remains what it is, I expect I'll have to offer rankings of the games without taking the time to play them.
Excellent set of submissions! Take a look and vote!
I voted for the first round! Can entrants vote in the second round? --Jared
Glenn, I just emailed you my votes. Let me know if you don't get them.
Can you let me know if you get/don't get mine too? Thanks. --Jared
I have just cast mine too. Maybe Glenn could write on July 1st to any candidate whose vote is missing, instead of disqualifying him immediately?
Hi, folks. Thanks for the good suggestions. I am over my computer difficulties, and will be back up to speed very soon. There are three entrants who have not yet voted. All voters who mentioned voting in this thread have their ballots in. I am allowing until midnight CDT on Sunday, July 6th for those voters, or any others, to get in their ballots. Existing ballots may also be changed up to that time. I'll count votes on the 7th. Glenn
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