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Fusion Chess. Variant in which pieces may merge together or split apart. (8x8, Cells: 64) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Spanish Fan wrote on Sun, Dec 15, 2002 02:27 PM EST:Good ★★★★
Why isn't 'triple fusion' allowed? This is, letting a Queen merge with a
Knight (or a Marshall with a Bishop, or a Paladin with a Rook) to form an
'Amazon' (piece moving like Bishop + Rook + Knight).

More combinations are possible with royal pieces, although the resulting
royal pieces may prove to be too powerful. But, at least, Amazons could be
allowed, and then let Pawns promote into 'fusioned' pieces as well.

The article doesnt say anything on how to denote the Pope, Dragon King, or
Eques Rex.

Finally, the correct Latin plural for 'Eques Rex' should be 'Equites
Reges' (and not 'Eques Rexi' as it appears in the article).

Charles Gilman wrote on Sat, Apr 12, 2003 03:25 AM EDT:
The Spanish fan's Latin is correct, but his suggestion of triple combination could really complicate things. Along with the Amazon (alias Dragon Paladin or Eques Regina, plural Equites Reginæ) it would allow three triple combinations with the King - Dragonpope or Kingrider (King+Rook+Bishop), Eques Draco Rex (King+Rook+Knight, plural Equites Dracones Reges), and Eques Papa (King+Bishop+Knight, plural Equites Papæ) - or even a combination of all four basic pieces, the Eques Draco Papa!

🕸💡📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Sun, Apr 13, 2003 12:27 AM EDT:
Fusion Chess was preceded by Sentai Chess, a Power Rangers inspired variant
in which every type of piece could combine into one mega-piece. Even
though the most basic Sentai pieces were weaker than Chess pieces, the
mega-piece was capable of checkmating a King on its own. Overall, Sentai
Chess was not that good a game. Based on similar ideas, Fusion Chess was a
considerable improvement over Sentai Chess. One of the main improvements
came from limiting fusions to two basic pieces.

Besides this, I have regularly found that the Amazon is too powerful of a
piece. It hurts gameplay, and I normally avoid using it in any of my
games. If Fusion Chess allowed fusion to an Amazon, it would be a worse
game. Likewise, a Multi-fused King would be too difficult to checkmate.
British Chess sat on the shelf for a couple years until I figured out how
to make the royal Queen more checkmatable.

Nevertheless, multiple fusions might not hurt the gameplay of something
like Metamorphin' Fusion Chess, Thunder Chess, or Bedlam. For in these
games, the Metamorph Chess rules would turn any multiply-fused piece that
makes a capture into the piece it just moved as. This would limit the
destructive capability of such pieces. But even so, the Amazons would be
more menacing, and the mutiply-fused Kings would be harder to checkmate.

Actually, a Thunder Chess variant might not work, for the Metamorph
capturing rules and the Assimilation capturing rules would conflict. One
compromise between them would be for a compound piece to convert to the
simple piece it moved as whenever it could not assimilate the piece it was

I may try to implement all-out fusion versions of these during the summer.

Charles Gilman wrote on Sat, May 17, 2003 03:11 AM EDT:
Having seen a few other long-range rulers elsewhere I have a question about your combined pieces: can they move through check? Disallowing such a move is a good limitation in Fergus Duniho's light-hearted British Chess, and has a certain logic as an extension of en passant. Obviously standard Kings cannot because their moves are too short.

🕸💡📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Sun, May 18, 2003 01:30 PM EDT:
Yes, they can move through check.

Charles Gilman wrote on Sat, May 31, 2003 03:34 AM EDT:
It might be interesting to apply the fusion idea to Xiang Qi, in which most
pieces are weak individually. The General could become its own rider by
fusing with the Rook, a standard King with the Ferz, or a ruling Waffle
with the Elephant. The combinations General+Horse, Ferz+Elephant,
Ferz+Horse, and Horse+Elephant would play like shorter-range versions of
Gazelle, Bishop, Gnu, and Bison. Ferz+Rook would of course be a Shogi
(capturable) Dragonking. Elephant+Rook might be called a Dragonwaffle.
Regarding where combined pieces can go I would suggest King as its
components, Elephant combinations their own side of the river, and the
rest throughout the board. Separation could not result in a General or
Ferz outside the palace.
	By the way, I notice that you have still not corrected 'Eques Rexi' to
'Equites Reges'

Matthew Paul wrote on Wed, Jul 7, 2004 06:10 AM EDT:Good ★★★★
One minor comment: There are only 2 knights when there are 3 bishops and 3
rooks.  How about a variant where each player has a Eques rex to start off
with, in place of their king?  Not only would this balance the number of
component pieces, but also the player's two centre pieces would contain
all of the four components.

🕸💡📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Wed, Jul 7, 2004 11:50 AM EDT:
That's a good idea.

Stephane Burkhart wrote on Sat, Feb 25, 2006 03:37 PM EST:
I guess Fusion Chess is a real improvement on previous similar version, by limiting the strength of pieces, but should't you put some reference to the so-called 'Augsburg chess' in the history part ?

🕸💡📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Sat, Feb 25, 2006 04:53 PM EST:
I came up with the idea behind Fusion Chess on my own, without any prior knowledge of any similar game except one other game of my own invention. Since creating it, I have read about some similar games in Pritchard's Encyclopedia of Chess Variants. Frank Maus created some, such as Coronation Chess and Empress Chess. He also preceded me with Cavalry Chess, which is based on the same idea as my own unrelated Cavalier Chess. As for Augsburg Chess, I have never heard of it until now. So it has no part in the history of Fusion Chess.

Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Fri, Sep 22, 2006 09:32 AM EDT:Excellent ★★★★★
this game too is fascinating, this game started your other variants on this theme right? (assimilation chess etc) Very complex, at least for me anyway ... all variants on this theme you have done seem to be all good too, well done.

Jeremy Good wrote on Fri, Jun 5, 2009 06:39 AM EDT:
I presume that a component of a compound piece can move out of it to form another separate compound piece. For example, a King may move out of a dragon king into an eques rex leaving behind a rook, correct?

Joe Joyce wrote on Fri, Jun 5, 2009 09:50 AM EDT:
No. After having that exact question in a tourney game, the answer was resolved fully in a kibbitz by Antoine.:
2007-09-30	Antoine Fourrière Verified as Antoine Fourrière	
When trying to understand the code Fergus wrote for the not-functioning automated preset for his own game, you can read in the Post-move fields

die You may not capture or fuse with a piece on a fission move.; 

This lead to the quick creation of the 'Fluid' mutator, which allows that.

Jeremy Good wrote on Fri, Jun 5, 2009 08:22 PM EDT:
Wow, Joe! You were really on top of that one. What's the fluid mutator called? Thanks!

Anonymous wrote on Fri, Jun 5, 2009 09:00 PM EDT: ;-)

douglas francis wrote on Sun, Feb 14, 2010 01:56 PM EST:Excellent ★★★★★
why not make one for 4 players? or team? or how about a fusion with a pond like pond+king=pond king that can move 2 spaces on first move like a pond? or include the amazon it could be Bishop+Rook=queen+Knight? there's so much more fusions you could make out of this! and so much more you could do with this!! if you were to sell this id be one to buy it for sure even if it was for $40!!if you were to make a 4 player version id buy it for $60! even if it was over priced this is so good i'm addicted to it iv played it about 20 times with my sister and brother but it would be a bit better if you had the option to play with more people! most of the chess variation iv played here witch iv played about 30-43 all weren't very interesting but this is more interesting then most of the others iv played i love version B of this because it has the ability for a Royal Bishop or Royal Rook to cross over a square under enemy attack witch makes it more interesting then version A!!

Simon Jepps wrote on Sun, Feb 14, 2010 02:18 PM EST:Good ★★★★
Fergus, that's a neat little variant. I had a similar idea back in 2008, but not quite this extensive. I find all the notation and multiple merging a little bit of a mouth full, but all the same Fusion Chess is a great game to add to the list.

🕸💡📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Sun, Feb 14, 2010 05:56 PM EST:
Thanks for your appreciation of Fusion Chess. What you call version B is the official version. The so-called version A is a misunderstanding of the rules by Ed Friedlander. Version A and Version B are his terms, not mine. I tend to not invent multi-player games, because I don't get any opportunity to play them against people. Game Courier will not handle multi-player games yet, and I still haven't found the opportunity to play the one multi-player game of mine, Three-Player Hex Shogi, with anyone. Fusion Chess can be played with small pieces on a large board, using pairs of pieces for compound pieces. So you don't need to buy any special equipment to play it.

JT K wrote on Sun, Jul 24, 2016 09:51 PM EDT:Good ★★★★

Very interesting variant!  I'd love to play it on a real board, if I had the special pieces...  Question though: can a player's original queen "split" (fission) or is that piece permanently a regular queen?  Same question for a promoted pawn... if a pawn promotes to queen, is splitting an option on that queen? Can a pawn promote to a fused type such as marshal or is queen the only option? 

JT K wrote on Sun, Jul 24, 2016 10:18 PM EDT:Good ★★★★

Disregard my question about pawn promotion there... I see it in the description.

🕸💡📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Sun, Jul 24, 2016 10:23 PM EDT:

I'd love to play it on a real board, if I had the special pieces...

Some small sets you can pick up in a dollar store will do. You just need to be able to fit two pieces on the same space. Or, if you do want the compound pieces, you can pick them up from the House of Staunton. See House of Staunton Chess Variant Kits for details. At least that works for the Marshall and Paladin (a.k.a. Chancellor and Archbishop), but the compound royal pieces have not been made. For those, you could conceivably use fancier pieces from another Chess set, stick crosses on some Chess pieces, or pick other Chess variant pieces from HOS to represent them. The Fortress might work for the Dragon King, the Dragon for the Pope, and the Unicorn for the Eques Rex. I have ordered these pieces and will add them to the page soon.

can a player's original queen "split" (fission) or is that piece permanently a regular queen?

Quoting from the Queen's piece description: The Queen is a combination of Rook and Bishop. It may separate into its components by moving one of them to an empty space.

 Can a pawn promote to a fused type such as marshal or is queen the only option?

Quoting from the Pawn's piece description: Upon reaching the last rank, a Pawn may promote to a Rook, Bishop, or Knight. It may not promote to a Queen, Marshall, or Paladin.

Joseph DiMuro wrote on Mon, Jul 25, 2016 11:55 AM EDT:

I'm glad someone posted a comment about Fusion Chess, because it reminded me that I've been wanting to post a comment of my own for some time. I keep forgetting to do it. Might as well do it now.

Based on my experiences with Zillions of Games, I think that the Dragon King is too tough to checkmate (and, perhaps, so are the Pope and Eques Rex). I think I can easily force a draw in this game by forming a Dragon King, and then exchanging material as quickly as I can. (My only fear is getting checkmated while the board is still cramped.) I don't care if I'm way behind in material at the endgame, because it would take a ton of material to checkmate a lone Dragon King.

Now, this is just coming from my experiences with Zillions of Games; I haven't played Fusion Chess against a human before. Anyone want to play against me on Game Courier, and try to prove me wrong? :-)

Kevin Pacey wrote on Thu, Mar 1, 2018 01:46 AM EST:Excellent ★★★★★

Another cool idea by Fergus.

jackman jack man wrote on Thu, Jun 7, 2018 01:56 PM EDT:Excellent ★★★★★

Another cool idea i like this comments in this post

there is another very interesting in

[spam link removed]

and in addition he offers a very good chess guide...

H. G. Muller wrote on Wed, Jun 19, 2019 11:53 AM EDT:

I share the concern of Joseph DiMuro: this game should not be winnable except against the most incompetent of players. It would need some rule that you cannot move a royal slider through check, like in Caissa Brittannia, to make it a serious game.

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