Anonymous wrote on Tue, Nov 15, 2005 08:59 PM UTC:
The rules for the Long Leaper as written are ambiguous. The offending
phrase in the list of moves the Long Leaper may not make 'jump over
adjacent pieces' might be interperpereted in two different ways.
I think we can determine the correct rule by examining the author's
intent and the history of Ultima.
First, the Rococo LL rules are cut and pasted from this site's Ultima
rules. This indicates that the author intends the LL to have the same
in Rococo as it has in Ultima (the special circumstance of edge square
So the question resolves into what is the correct rule in Ultima. In
'Abbott's New Card Games', Abbott lists the sources for the capture
powers in Ultima. The capture power of the Long Leaper is stated to be
derived form those checker variants where kings can leap over and capture
enemy pieces anywhere on the same diagonal line. Abbott limits the
power by prohibiting change of direction, but the LL's capture power is
otherwise not altered from these checker variants.
The rules of these several checker variants are unambiguous: a king may
capture a piece adjacent to itself, but may not capture two or more
enemies adjacent to one another: there must be a vacant landing square
for each capture.
Therefor the correct rule is that the Long Leaper may capture a piece
adjacent to itself as long as a landing square is available, but may not
capture (or leap over without capturing), two or more mtutually adjacent
pieces--that is, a landing square is required for each capture.
I agree that this rule should be rephrased on both the Rococo and Ultima