I wonder if someone considers making a Mini-Rococo (I can't think of a better name,) which uses the standard chess board and pieces (without flipping the rook) ?
I would propose this setup :
8 |\\\|\b\|\n\|\k\|\q\|\n\|\r\|\\\|
7 |\\\|:p:| p |:p:| p |:p:| p |\\\|
6 |\\\| |:::| |:::| |:::|\\\|
5 |\\\|:::| |:::| |:::| |\\\|
4 |\\\| |:::| |:::| |:::|\\\|
3 |\\\|:::| |:::| |:::| |\\\|
2 |\\\| P |:P:| P |:P:| P |:P:|\\\|
1 |\\\|\R\|\N\|\Q\|\K\|\N\|\B\|\\\|
a b c d e f g h
The edge squares are marked with \\\ . Don't mind the checkering.
P's are Canon pawns, they promote on the 7th or the 8th rank.
K is King.
Q is Pushme-Pullyu
R is Immobilizer
N is Long-Leaper
B is swapper (or Chameleon, but i hate this piece.)
What do you think ?