Hey, Graeme, yeah, I've seen that rationale, too, but I don't believe it's valid. [I still figure that these things are usually done by chessplayers that have been so conditioned by the external trappings of FIDE that they often unconsciously bring them along.] My last post was already overlong, so I didn't add this part - figured I'd do it if someone said something.
I'd argue a better extrapolation would be to note pawns promote on the rank behind the one their opposite numbers start upon. The 'parallel neighboring diagonal' lines the pawns would be set up on are, in color/shade D-L-D-L..., the promotion lines would be the 2 'parallel neighboring diagonal' lines directly behind the setup, colored/shaded L-M-L-M-L-M... This allows each pawn to move directly forward to its own promotion hex.
This is a general 'argument' [ie: discussion] about the best spots to set up pawns in hex chess variants, and is in *no* way meant as any sort of criticism of the fine game upon whose page this discussion appears.