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Another 9x9 with No Comment. Very good chiefly for win conditions. It appears that later CVs took some ideas here without attribution. Notice the piece to be captured to win moves Queenlike. Ironically, Fergus Duniho, the writer of the very article urging developers to be aware that RN and BN compounds already exist, himself uses Queen-moving royalty in British Chess(?) -- after Melee. Oh well, Duniho was a rather great borrower, as for example, Cavalier Chess copying somewhat considerably 1920's Cavalry. Besides, here the second win condition, occupying the opponent's Castle, is to be taken as inspiration for well-documenting Lavieri's Maxima later, and Maxima certainly sufficently differentiates the mechanisms. It is matter of respect and equal treatment. If anyone of us has been prolificist, we can justly expect others so to follow suit, the Rules-sets never ending, as too increasingly the evaluations barely keeping pace.