Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Gary Gifford wrote on Tue, Apr 15, 2008 04:24 PM UTC:
I have been playing chess since I was 5 years old and personally never found the draw aspect to be an issue. I suppose at the GM level it might be, but where I'm at, and the tournament players and club players I've seen there are relatively few draws. The higher rated players typically beat the lower rated players.

One can avoid draws in chess by playing against much stronger players. And if you do play a much stronger player and get a draw, chances are that you will be happy to have gotten it.

On a related note, I took another look at Navia Dratp recently. With its unbalance armies, and three ways to win it seems that draws are unlikely in that game. Even at the bare king level (Navias only) the two pieces would race towards the opposition's first rank and the one who won the race would win.

I think Chess is fine as is. If someone is disatisfied with it then there are certainly plenty of other variants to play. I still hope Navia Dratp will catch on someday. I think it is a fantastic variant and it should satisy the draw haters.