Endgame Position White: King c1, Knight e1 and Black: King a1, Pawn a2, Rook e2.
4 | |///| |///| |///| |///|
3 |///| |///| |///| |///| |
2 | p |///| |///| r |///| |///|
1 |/k/| |/K/| |/N/| |///| |
a b c d e f g h
1.Nc2 check Rxc2 check and Black has won in Shatranj by the Bare King rule, which has only one stated exception. The Zillions Rule File for Shatranj (correctly) scores the game as a win for Black.
2.Kxc2 stalemate draws the game in my two recent 'Shatranj Kamil' variants. R. Wayne Schmittberg has just confirmed that White wins in Wildebeest Chess. And so we all agree to differ.
Repeating my [2007-04-16] comment to Wildebeest Chess.
1.Nc2 check Rxc2 check and Black has won in Shatranj by the Bare King rule, which has only one stated exception. The Zillions Rule File for Shatranj (correctly) scores the game as a win for Black.
2.Kxc2 stalemate draws the game in my two recent 'Shatranj Kamil' variants. R. Wayne Schmittberg has just confirmed that White wins in Wildebeest Chess. And so we all agree to differ.