George Duke wrote on Wed, Apr 30, 2008 07:18 PM UTC:
Another impact on values is the piece mix. Where there are many Pawns and
short-range pieces, Carrera's Centaur and Champion have more value. Where
those unoriginal BN and RN exist with Unicorn (B+NN) or Rococo
Queen-distance pieces, like Immobilizer, Advancer, Long Leaper, even
Swapper, BN and RN then have inherently less value. Put an Amazon (Q+N) in
there, with at least some Pawns for experimental similarity, and BN and RN
fall in value. Then too, change the Pawn-type and change the values. Put
stronger Rococo Cannon Pawns in any CV previously having regular F.I.D.E.
or Berolina Pawns, and any piece value of 5.0 or more, relative to Pawns
normalized to near 1.0, decreases -- on most board sizes. I wonder why
Ralph Betza made only one Comment in this 6-year-old thread. Maybe he
figured, why help out Computers too much? They had already ruined
500-year-old Mad Queen 64.