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Reinhard Scharnagl wrote on Fri, May 2, 2008 08:32 PM UTC:
Different armies in action: 4*Archbishop vs. 8*Knight

Following game could be reviewed using the SMIRF donationware release

(but first replace the single quotes by double quotes before pasting)

[Event 'SmirfGUI: Different Armies Games']
[Site 'MAC-PC-RS']
[Date '2008.05.02']
[Time '18:30:40']
[Round '60 min + 30 sec']
[White '1st Smirf MS-174c-0']
[Black '2nd Smirf MS-174c-0']
[Result '0-1']
[Annotator 'RS']
[SetUp '1']
[FEN 'nnnn1knnnn/pppppppppp/10/10/10/10/PPPPPPPPPP/A1A2K1A1A w - - 0 1']

1. Aji3 Nd6 {(11.02) -1.791} 2. Aab3 Ne6 {(12.01=) -1.533} 3. c4 c5 {(12.01=)
-0.992} 4. d4 cxd4 {(13.00) -0.684} 5. c5 Ne4 {(12.01) -0.535} 6. Ac2 d5
{(11.39) +0.189} 7. f3 N4xc5 {(11.01=) +0.465} 8. Ag3 Nac7 {(11.01) +0.900} 9.
b4 Ncd7 {(11.01=) +1.475} 10. f4 g6 {(10.31) +1.750} 11. Ai5+ Ngh6 {(11.03+)
+1.920} 12. g4 j6 {(12.01=) +2.225} 13. Aie1 Nig7 {(11.01=) +2.363} 14. Ac1d3
f6 {(10.20) +2.506} 15. a4 N8f7 {(11.01=) +2.707} 16. Kg1 a5 {(11.01) +2.803}
17. bxa5 Nc6 {(11.15) +2.910} 18. Ab3 Nji6 {(11.01) +2.570} 19. j4 f5 {(12.03=)
+3.010} 20. gxf5 Ngxf5 {(11.01) +3.342} 21. a6 bxa6 {(11.01=) +3.998} 22. a5
Ne3 {(11.15) +4.156} 23. Aa4 Nb5 {(11.01=) +4.504} 24. Ab3 Nig7 {(11.03=)
+5.244} 25. Aih4 Nf6 {(11.02) +5.324} 26. Aef2 Nfh5 {(10.19) +6.395} 27. Ah3
Nhxf4 {(11.01) +6.172} 28. Adxf4 Nxf4 {(14.01) +5.979} 29. Axf4 g5 {(12.14)
+6.086} 30. Ahxg5 Nxg5 {(14.01=) +6.018} 31. Axg5 Kg8 {(14.11) +5.176} 32. Axe3
dxe3 {(16.01=) +5.117} 33. Axd5+ Kh8 {(16.01=) +5.117} 34. Axc6 Nhf5 {(14.18)
+5.127} 35. Ab4 Nc7 {(15.00) +4.803} 36. Ad3 Ki8 {(15.00) +4.838} 37. Kh1 Nd6
{(14.01) +4.891} 38. j5 Ngf5 {(14.01=) +5.189} 39. Ac5 Ndb5 {(14.01) +5.248}
40. Ad3 Nbd4 {(14.01) +5.365} 41. Ae4 Ncb5 {(16.02) +5.631} 42. Ki1 e6 {(15.23)
+5.932} 43. Ad3 h6 {(15.01) +5.250} 44. Ac4 h5 {(15.01=) +5.467} 45. i3 Kj7
{(15.12) +5.637} 46. Ad3 Nc3 {(15.09) +5.715} 47. Axa6 Ndxe2 {(15.00) +5.678}
48. Ad3 Ned4 {(14.01=) +6.117} 49. a6 Ncb5 {(14.01=) +6.602} 50. Kj1 e2
{(15.01=) +8.080} 51. Ae1 e5 {(15.01=) +11.59} 52. i4 e4 {(15.01=) +12.16} 53.
ixh5 Nf3 {(14.02) +12.56} 54. Af2 e3 {(15.22) +14.61} 55. Ad3 e1=Q+ {(16.02)
+16.00} 56. Axe1 Nxe1 {(17.01=) +23.09} 57. h6 ixh6 {(15.02=) +M~010} 58. h4
Nxh4 {(12.01=) +M~008} 59. a7 Nxa7 {(10.01=) +M~008} 60. Ki1 Neg2+ {(08.01=)
+M~007} 61. Kh2 e2 {(06.01=) +M~006} 62. Kh3 e1=Q {(04.01=) +M~005} 63. Kg4
Qe4+ {(02.01=) +M~004} 64. Kh3 Qf3+ {(02.01=) +M~003} 65. Kh2 Qi3+ {(02.01=)
+M~002} 66. Kh1 Qi1# {(02.00?) +M~001} 0-1

You will find out, that the handicap of being a big piece without having any exchangeable counterpart is dominating the kind of the battle.