H. G. Muller wrote on Thu, May 22, 2008 07:05 PM UTC:
'Let me provide another challenge for people here regarding pawns. How
much is a pawn that moves only one space forward (not initial 2) but
starts on the third row instead of second worth in contrast to a normal
chess pawn? How much is it worth alone, and then in a line of pawns that
start on the third row?'
But this is a totally normal FIDE Pawn...
It would get a pretty large positional penalty if it was alone
(isolated-pawn penalty). In a complete line of pawns on the 3rd rank it
would be worth a lot more, as it would not be isolated, and not be
backward. All in all it would be fairly similar to having a line of Pawns
on second rank, as the bonus for pushing the Pawns forward 1 square is
approximately cancelled by not having Pawn control anymore over any of the
squares on the 3rd rank.