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I credit Carlos Cetina for having idea similar to Falcon at the same time I did. When mulling over Falcon in early 1990's, we thought in terms of ''similar to RNB but different from each.'' In 1996 Patent papers, the verb ''complements'' appears, and Aronson by 2003 in Complete Permuatation Chess refers to ''the complement'' of RNB. There can be only one such, just as within 5x5 from starting square, RNB mutually complete and complement one another. There can be no corresponding mathematical complement at 9x9 from a starting square, because the Knight's continuation on step two in same direction reaches border of 9x9. There is then no further solution at 9x9. So, the discovery has been that there are four fundamental Chess pieces, neither three nor five. Betza's atomic DFWA are actually flawed, though useful, building blocks, as they are merely foreshortened Rook and Bishop, and moreover ignore the natural Knight (with no clear path, ergo all paths: the jumper). Now Cetina practically has the idea here: Multi-path, mixture of Rook and Bishop, reach to oblique squares. Great work! Concision and coherence the hallmark of Latin American inventors generally: Lavieri, Kirsinger, Cetina. Whereas North American ''inventors,'' befitting their culture, tend to have extravagant, grotesque, half-playable CVs at best -- metaphorically like their own loud commercial art, trivial television, War-in-Iraq overkill, or overwrought state Capitalism itself -- harmful ecologically, deleterious intellectually, poetically trite. The last sentence would not be any final word, just spur-of-moment comparision, to pay sincere relative tribute here. Sissa, reduced to mininal conception instead, not board-wide, could actually have morphed into three-path Falcon.