Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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H. G. Muller wrote on Sat, Jul 19, 2008 09:14 AM UTC:
Didn't you know that moderator policy on this site is to censor every
usage of a certain normal English word, out of fear for lawsuits? Joe
Joyce explained this recently in another thread.

But on topic: How do you imagine the 'Chess Variant Pages' to order anything? Who exactly would do the ordering. The moderators? The webmaster? The members? What would they use for money?

I imagine a business selling Chess equipment that almost no one wants over the internet is not a very viable one. There are already so many doing that. And they offer already so many 10x10 boards for sale that there will be very little market for those, World wide.

With pieces, it is always a problem what pieces to include in the set. I already have that problem software-wise, in WinBoard_F. You don't want the number of bitmaps to explode, especially if you hav to supply them in multiple sizes. When I made my own Ultima piece set, I used abstract designs like cubes and cylinders, so that it does not offend my sense of logic to use them for anything, (like it would when I use an Elephant to depict a Camel, or a Knight to depict a Lion).