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We ignore Joyce's present ill-wording and go on constructively. Sorry, Robert. I believe everyone missed implication of Ultima-inventor Robert Abbott's Comment of 30.January.2004. Abbott wrote article in 1970's ''What's Wrong With Ultima?'' He also proposed an alternate piece Repeller for Ultima. Nevertheless, standard Ultima got played, the hallmark of genuine CV. I observed Ultima games between FIDE rounds at Reed College, Oregon USA. In 2004 here Abbott recommends ''to get rid of the LongLeapers.'' Probably he had previously thought of Triangulator for replacement of LL in Ultima and found opportunity to so state. Abbott would be right that his inventive Triangulator and Coordinator are natural pair. That's what everbody missed, Coord. and Triangulators' improving Ultima. (LL's weakness is impinging edges being unable to capture.) Inspired by Abbott's Triangulator (unbeknownst, Gilman might say), I develop different related ''triangular transference'' within text of ''91.5 Trillion...'' Disparager of Ultima, I am rather indifferent to Custodial Pawns and Coord., both missing from Rococo; but let's endorse Ultima as the breakthrough game of 1960's. As 1950's had Alice Chess, 1960's had Ultima, 1970's the culmination of Gabriel Maura's Modern and Omega, 1980's Chess Different Armies, 1990's Fischer Random, and these aughts ('00 to '09) NOTHING nothing so far, really practically nothing at all. Doctrine of free rein in artistic expression, attributable to Betza himself, results in no important new CVs emerged, by the factor of extreme dilution.