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Falcon Chess. Play Falcon Chess on Game Courier![All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Joe Joyce wrote on Thu, Nov 6, 2008 07:32 PM UTC:

I request a cooling-off period for everyone. 

This is not necessary. It will impose a hardship on a number of people, and will cause problems with the current Potluck Tournament, where carlos carlos and I are playing a game of Falcon in the final round. 

This situation can and should be resolved amicably. Falcon Chess is a fine game, and should be available to the public. For maximum exposure and best sales, it should be available freely at CV also. Baen Books has demonstrated with their free books policy that this is the case; books freely available online only increase hardcopy sales. Go to their website and check. 

So everyone involved has reason to compromise here. As a certain unnamed problem seems to be dying a natural death, do we really want to start another such problem? 

I submit that the proper resolution is to leave Falcon chess both on the CV site and on the freeware that HG Muller has already released. I urge all parties now involved to do absolutely nothing. Nobody's best interests are served by this; everyone is hurt. Please reconsider.
